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Economic Threat

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ChiCom Flag
Epobirs, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Aug 8, 10:11am

The wealthy in china are buying houses in the US to have someplace to flee when they see signs of the collapse coming. … It could get very chaotic and the reverberations throughout the world would be quite loud and impossible to ignore. Just the collapse of the flow of manufactured goods be a huge disruption, driving prices through the roof for many common items, never mind high tech stuff, for a long period before other regions could ramp up production to take advantage.…

Food for thought from an Ace commenter
Ali Meyer, Free Beacon • Sat 2016 Apr 23, 10:45am

There were one in five families in the United States in 2015, or 19.7 percent, in which no one in the family worked, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.…

Booming Obamaconomy.
Chriss W Street, Breitbart • Mon 2016 Apr 18, 12:34am

The first accomplishment of California’s pioneering $15 minimum wage law is killing the revival of America’s clothing industry.…

Dollar Burning
Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge • Tue 2015 Jun 9, 9:31am

…In 1912, one person who warned against the passage of the Aldrich Plan, was Alfred Owen Crozier: a man who saw how it would all play out, and even wrote a book titled “U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency” (costing 25 cents) explaining and predicting everything that would ultimately happen, even adding some 30 illustrations for those readers who were visual learners.

The book, which is attached at the end of this post, is a must read, but even those pressed for time are urged to skim the following illustrations all of which were created in 1912, and all of which predicted just what the current financial system would look like.…

Byron Wien on Blackstone • Tue 2012 Jul 3, 5:07pm
"The developed economies and their stock markets have plodded along and investors haven’t made or lost much money in spite of the challenges. At a certain point, however, the temporary measures that the policy makers put in place to avoid financial catastrophe prove insufficient and that’s where we are now. I’m not saying that it will happen tomorrow but events are falling into place that will take the smile off your face. … A Romney victory will create a rally, but once he gets into office he will find there is not much he can do to make things better.” I left The Smartest Man’s office somewhat dazed. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 12:43pm

The stock market is highly perceptive, and what it's perceiving now is that (1) the mediocre recovery of the last two years is stalling out and (2) our leaders in Washington haven't the vaguest idea of what to do about it. A big part of this pathetic recovery has to be laid at government's doorstep. Our top elected and appointed officials try to blame it on everyone else, but it's their incompetence that has brought us low.