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Independence Day 2011

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 • Tue 2011 Jul 5, 2:18pm

US FlagNow check out how long it took for slavery to end around the world and which countries held out the longest! • Tue 2011 Jul 5, 10:37am

US Flag"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling that thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he will fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety is a more miserable creature and has no chance of ever being free unless by the efforts of greater men then himself. " -John Stuart Mill I read this quote in the past couple days and it struck me square in the face. The ideology of modern western thought was forged on the American continent from the effort and struggle to survive that imbued us with a fierce sense of independent thought and rugged individualism culminating with the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE and the birth of a nation. This is what the Declaration of Independence was talking about in the first paragraphs. • Mon 2011 Jul 4, 6:29pm

US FlagNot only did July 4, 1776 mark American independence from England, it marked a radically different kind of government from the governments that prevailed around the world at the time -- and the kinds of governments that had prevailed for thousands of years before. The American Revolution was not simply a rebellion against the King of England, it was a rebellion against being ruled by kings in general. That is why the opening salvo of the American Revolution was called "the shot heard round the world." Autocratic rulers and their subjects heard that shot -- and things that had not been questioned for millennia were now open to challenge. As the generations went by, more and more autocratic governments around the world proved unable to meet that challenge. Some clever people today ask whether the United States has really been "exceptional." You couldn't be more exceptional in the 18th century than to create your fundamental document -- the Constitution of the United States -- by opening with the momentous words, "We the people..." • Mon 2011 Jul 4, 12:55pm

US FlagThe Declaration of Independence
8 The most eloquent 'Fu¢k You' note ever written in the history of the world.
26 Remember at some point today to face West, bend over and moon England.
40 Don't forget that today it's every American's sacred duty to call up Buckingham Palace and ask if they've got Prince Albert in the can.