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Light Pollution

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Ace of Spades • Sun 2012 Apr 22, 1:53pm
583 Living in LA my entire life, I heard of stars but I never saw them until I was an adult.
Posted by: Cicero • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 12:26pm

When asked "what sort of pollution worries you the most", I said "light pollution from all the rural living city hipsters too scared to turn their fucking lights off". When I go out into the "country", I expect to see stars, not your fucking stadium lights because you're too big of a pussy to just by a gun and leave the porchlight on. • Tue 2009 May 12, 4:42pm

The maps of the artificial night sky brightness at zenith at sea level allow to compare levels of light pollution in the atmosphere, to recognize more and less polluted areas and to identify the more polluting districts and the bigger sources. • Mon 2009 Feb 9, 8:28pm

Where other places greet the night by lighting up their streets and tourist attractions, this one goes the other way—low-energy sodium lamps are shielded from above, and household lights must face down, not up. The purpose: to bring out the stars.