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Displaying 301 - 330 of 780 • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 7:32pm

As a matter of fact, according to their own records, the social security number in question was never issued. So even if we were willing to believe that it was issued, we see this number associated with an individual born in 1890 who would have been 121 years old now and presumably deceased at this time. Obama started using this number around 1980, and he's been using it for most of his life, but there is no information showing that he is the lawful holder of this number. As a matter of fact, all the information that we have shows that he is illegally using this number. • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 6:53pm

Ryan says that he is very frustrated with how President Obama has handled the negotiations, especially in how he has painted Republicans as intransigent. Recent presidential press conferences, Ryan says, have notably soured the White House's relationship with the House GOP, perhaps to the point of no return. Such a development, he sighs, is unfortunate for the country, which wants the president to work with Congress. ... "[Obama] has made it harder to establish trust, which will make it harder to find compromise," Ryan says. "As much as he wants to come off as a leader, every time he talks about Republicans holding out to save fat-cat corporate-jet loopholes — which he knows is false — or leaks alleged spending cuts to the press, he reduces his leadership. He knows how that damages his credibility up here. Yet he continues to spin." Indeed, in almost every sense, Ryan says, Obama has been "fundamentally un-presidential" throughout the summer, "dragging his feet, failing to address the looming debt crisis — which he knows is coming — because he remains committed to his ideology." "This is, unfortunately, the way he operates," Ryan says. "This is his pattern of behavior, this is his personality. For the next 18 months, it will probably be like this. It'll be in-your-face class warfare, with bitter appeals to envy, fear, and anxiety, plus the demonization of the other side's motives." ... "Whenever I hear him speak now, I just shake my head and think, there he goes again," Ryan says. "When it comes to actually governing, leading and fixing fiscal problems, he is not in the game." • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 6:48pm

The Obama Administration has something of a decision to make. Will it respond to Iranian aggression and enforce Iraq's internationally recognized borders, or will it allow the Iranian thugs to use military force against an American ally with impunity? • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 5:16pm

Allen West: "I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool." • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 4:29pm

Laura Ingraham presented a remix, of sorts, juxtaposing portions of former President Jimmy Carter's 1979 "Malaise Speech" (also known as his "Crisis of Confidence Speech" or, perhaps, his "Generally Terrible Stuff Speech") with recent comments made by President Barack Obama. • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 4:29pm

First up is Eric Holder. He is gonna fall. Watch for Holder news — it's coming. They are gonna fight hard to keep him in there. He's done a hell of a job keeping the lid on so much sh-t. But that's about to change. I ain't saying I trust Issa, but it's been explained to me that he knows that he's doing and it's getting done. So ok…I'll see if that's the case. Then it's on to 2012 with the information in hand that will be the result of Holder stepping down from the DOJ. It's gonna be a race to get it out there before the election, but we sure as hell are gonna try. And even if Obama manages to get his re-election, we will cripple him politically…we will trip him up enough, that his second term will be nowhere near the threat to the country that this one has been. And he may not be able to complete that second term. The information that will be forced into the hands of the media, the people, the party leaders, the donors…the man thinks he's under political pressure now? Just wait. They made a big mistake, and we got them. We got them… • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 1:56pm

Sean Hannity completely pwned Juan Williams last night on Hannity. Sean asked Williams to respond to Eric Cantor's comments on raising the debt ceiling. When Juan got through trashing Cantor, Hannity told him that actually those were Obama's comments from 2006. Watch Juan Williams' expression when he finds out he got totally pwned. • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 1:30pm

Oh, don't worry, says Barack Obluffer. To demonstrate how serious he is, he's offered to put on the table for fiscal year 2012 spending cuts of (stand well back now) $2 billion. That would be a lot in, say, Iceland or even Australia. Once upon a time it would have been a lot even in Washington. But today $2 billion is what the Brokest Nation in History borrows every 10 hours. In other words, in less time than he spends sitting across the table negotiating his $2 billion cut, he's already borrowed it all back. A negotiation with Obama is literally not worth the time. • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 12:01pm

Obama strode sternly into the White House and broke his own tacit rule of never mixing the nation's business with his own political strategy. "Whoever the Republican nominee is," he declared, " we're going to have a big serious debate about what we believe is the right way to guide American forward and to win the future." [Never mixes the nation's business with his own political strategy??? When has he ever done ANYTHING ELSE??] "And I'm confident that I will win that debate because ... we've got the better approach," he added. This came minutes after he accused Republicans of playing the same old "Washington" political games. [Another round of Alinsky, anyone?] • Sat 2011 Jul 16, 11:58am

"With respect to senator McConnell's plan, as I said, I think it is a -- it is constructive to say that if Washington operates as usual and can't get anything done, let's at least avert armageddon. That's -- I'm glad that people are serious about the consequences of default." [President eloquence invokes religion, badly, again.] • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:59pm

They are addicted to big taxes, big spending and big government, and none of it- NONE. OF. IT. - has a darn thing to do with what's best for the public and the economy. All of it- ALL. OF. IT. - has to do with funneling money into Democrat Party coffers. And it's sitting like a wet blanket over our economy. And Daley's right. Democrat leaders can't solve it. They couldn't solve it when they ran the tax scam in Chicago and they can't solve it now. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:59pm

Tyrannosaurus RexThirty months into his term as president, the evidence is overwhelming and America is horrified. Americans en masse have awakened to a president drunk with the wine of presidential power. Lawless, unaccountable, and unwilling to be restrained, Barack Obama has broken trust with America and he is being judged just as Dr. King had dreamed. Not by the color of his skin, but by the delinquent content of his character. Barack Obama has many names. A new one is offered here for America to consider. "Tyrannus Obama Rex." Obama, the Tyrant King. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:57pm

Obama is convinced that raising taxes is a job creator and blames Republicans for being unwilling to burden the taxpayer to create jobs. ... So, in a roundabout way, both Obama and Pelosi agree that the higher the unemployment the more job creation, because taxes can be obtained from the unemployed - which, according to some liberals, could get people back to work. [Uh... WTF?] Besides raising taxes, as a way to get people working again apparently Obama believes career opportunities can be created by sharing Second Amendment rights with Mexican drug cartels. [Heh] • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:55pm

"I continue to push congressional leaders for the largest possible deal," he said from the White House. "It is possible for us to construct a package that would be balanced, would share sacrifice [and] would involve both parties taking on their sacred cows." ... "I've been hearing from my Republican friends for some time it is a moral imperative to tackle our debt and deficits in a serious way," Mr. Obama said. "What I've said to them is, let's go." The president said today he would not accept a smaller, short-term deal. "We might as well do it now," he said. "Pull off the band aid. Eat our peas." • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:50pm

Obama chafes at the time-honored practice of answering questions shouted at him during pooled, non-press conference events — and his staff has often opted for "stills sprays," excluding print reporters or TV cameras who might capture Obama in the less than flattering non-act of snubbing a query. ... When asked today why TV crews and print reporters were barred from the pool covering the White House meeting with congressional leaders on the deficit ... "People shouted questions at him," Carney said. He then added, "The purpose of the meeting is not to create a circus, but to negotiate, so today we're doing stills only." • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:49pm

"Dealing with them the last couple months has been like dealing with Jell-o," Boehner said. "Some days it's firmer than others. Sometimes it's like they've left it out over night." Boehner explained that talks broke down over the weekend because, he said, the president backed off entitlement reforms so much from Friday to Saturday, "It was Jell-o; it was damn near liquid." "By Saturday, they'd spent the previous day and a half just going backwards" on reforming entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "The only thing they've been firm on is these damn tax increases," the Speaker said. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:49pm

"He shoved back and said 'I'll see you tomorrow' and walked out," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told reporters in the Capitol after the meeting. ... "Eric, don't call my bluff," the president said, warning Cantor that he would take his case "to the American people." [Er... WTF?] • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:40pm

On "The Ed Show" July 12, Schultz claimed he knew why Fox pundits such as Bill O'Reilly oppose President Obama's call for higher taxes on the wealthy ... "Tax profits" that quickly turned to tax payments, Schultz told his audience last night, perhaps after an exchange of clarifying phone calls between lawyers at News Corp. and MSNBC ... absent from both segments was any mention of General Electric, parent company of MSNBC -- in other words, your boss prior to Comcast acquiring NBC Universal in January 2011 -- paying no federal taxes in 2010. And by the way, $4.8 billion in taxes on $10.4 billion in profit is a tax rate of 46 percent -- 11 points higher than the corporate tax rate of 35 percent. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:35pm

Allen West, referring to how this administration spins language to push their agenda, said that Goebbels would be proud to see the kind of people in the Obama administration... "all of a sudden, instead of 'redistribution of wealth' they call it 'shared sacrifice'. Instead of 'government spending' they call it 'investment'. These guys are masters and Goebbels would be very pleased...." • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:31pm

Writers know that to use the same word over and over again demonstrates a limited vocabulary, and to repeat it in the same sentence is even worse. How about when a writer — or speaker — uses it first as a point of sarcasm and later in the same sentence as a measure of earnestness? ...

And it is possible for us to construct a package that would be balanced, would share sacrifice, would involve both parties taking on their sacred cows, would involved some meaningful changes to Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid that would preserve the integrity of the programs and keep our sacred trust with our seniors… • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:30pm

James Zogby, the anti-Israel pollster who released these findings today, blames the drop in support for Obama in the Arab world on Obama's failure to put the amount of pressure on Israel the Arab world wanted and expected. But according to the poll, the Arab world doesn't seem to be happy with any of America's foreign policy positions. Respondents rated Obama's policies as the least popular, when compared with other leaders, including Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. ... Obama's approval ratings are even lower than President Bush's before he left office in 2008. [Maybe it's time for O' to go on another apology tour!] • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:25pm

Yesterday, I heard something that I have never — NEVER — heard an American politician admit on national TV: that the American government has been lying to her people for the past 75+ years. ... Obama: I cannot guarantee those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it. ... this American president admitted what many people have been saying for decades: not only is the American government stealing money from the people, but the entire Social Security scheme is a lie. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:20pm

American aid to the Palestinians is in jeopardy over their ties to the terrorist group Hamas, unwillingness to restart negotiations with Israel and push for statehood ... The Obama administration forcefully pushed back Tuesday against threats from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to cut off aid to the Palestinian government because of its ties to the Hamas terror group. • Fri 2011 Jul 15, 8:16pm

Barack Hussein Obama promised before the election that he would bankrupt the coal industry that provides us with 57% of our electricity. In an appalling testimony to the suicidal stupidity of 53% of the population, he was elected anyway. He's using the malignant EPA to make good on his promise: Utility giant American Electric Power said Thursday that it will shut down five coal-fired power plants and spend billions of dollars to comply with a series of pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations. … • Thu 2011 Jul 14, 10:47am

the Obama quote that the wire services are trumpeting makes no sense. If, in fact, he is bluffing, the Republicans should by all means call his bluff. Properly, Obama should be warning the GOP that he is not bluffing. Saying "don't call my bluff" is the opposite of what Obama presumably means, sort of like saying that one "could care less" • Thu 2011 Jul 14, 10:03am

Big Government and the Washington Examiner have pointed to this speech as evidence that Holder lied when he told the House Oversight Committee in May that he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious while it was being conducted. But Project Gunrunner, which Holder mentioned in his Cuernavaca speech, and Fast and Furious, which led to Terry's death, aren't the same program. • Wed 2011 Jul 13, 5:17pm

In a move that should outrage every freedom-loving American, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has decided that the way to correct the utter failure (and criminality) of Operation "Fast and Furious" is to punish gun store owners. That's right: in response to the growing public outcry over the hundreds upon hundreds of guns which illegally crossed the border into Mexico with the ATF's blessing, the DOJ is requiring gun stores in Arizona, California, Texas and New Mexico to report individual purchases of multiple rifles of greater than .22 caliber to the ATF. • Wed 2011 Jul 13, 4:02pm

The Justice Department's new policy on requiring all gun shops in four Southwest border states to report frequent buyers of semi-automatic weapons is drawing both praise and criticism. ... the National Rifle Association (NRA) said it plans to sue the administration over the rule. "This is a blatant effort by the Obama administration and ATF to divert focus of Congress and the general public from their gross incompetence in the Fast and Furious scandal," NRA executive director Chris Cox said in a statement. "This scheme will unjustly burden law-abiding retailers in border states," he said. "It will not affect drug cartels and it won't prevent violence along our borders." • Wed 2011 Jul 13, 3:41pm

[Issa & Grassley to Eric Holder:] As our investigation into Operation Fast and Furious has progressed, we have learned that senior officials at the Department of Justice... were unquestionably aware of the implementation of this reckless program. • Wed 2011 Jul 13, 9:35am

Allen West says that Obama needs to understand that it's his job to prioritize spending so that Social Security checks will go out and we don't default ... Real leaders don't use intimidation and scare tactics
