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Displaying 481 - 510 of 780 • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:23pm

Less than two hours after Mark Warren posted the story on the Esquire website, he added a disclaimer: "For those who didn't figure it out yet, and the many on Twitter for whom it took a while: We committed satire this morning to point out the problems with selling and marketing a book that has had its core premise and reason to exist gutted by the news cycle, several weeks in advance of publication. Are its author a • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:23pm

Corsi provides a useful history into the thinking that informed Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, the natural-born citizenship clause. In brief, the founders did not want a president with divided loyalties. Regardless of where Obama was born, the fact that his presumed father was a British citizen at the time of Obama's birth, and had every intention of remaining one, made Obama's case at least as worthy of adjudication as McCain's. But that was not to be. From the beginning, one questioned Obama's eligibility, indeed any of his credentials, at his own risk. The introductory section of Corsi's book shows those who may have forgotten with what incredible impunity the Obama campaign was allowed to proceed. • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:20pm

Judge Roy Moore, a former state Supreme Court chief justice who twice has mounted gubernatorial campaigns in Alabama, has established an exploratory committee to consider a challenge to Barack Obama for the White House in 2012. Moore, whose plans were announced at, told WND that his campaign would be simple: telling people how he'd work on the problems facing America. And his administration, he said, would be simpler: just doing what he said. • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:19pm

"I think my dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men," West said. "It's understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a white context, brilliant African father, he's always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white…When he meets an independent black brother, it is frightening." • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:15pm

Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of World Net Daily Books, which published Corsi's work, said he never spoke to the magazine and that the book is "selling briskly." "I have never spoken to anyone from Esquire. Never uttered these words or anything remotely resembling them to anyone. It is a complete fabrication," Farah told The Daily Caller. "The book is selling briskly. I am 100 percent behind it. This has all the earmarkings of a White House dirty trick — but, of course, only the Nixon administration was capable of dirty tricks like that, according to our watchdog media." Corsi's book, titled, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President," hit stores this week. The book claims to contain evidence that Obama was not born in the United States. • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:15pm

In a stunning development, Jerome Corsi's birther book, Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, has been recalled, its publisher announced Wednesday [BS] • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:13pm

for those who didn't figure it out yet, and the many on Twitter for whom it took a while: We committed satire this morning... [Poor, poor Mark Warren and Esquire. OOOPS!] • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:12pm

President Obama's 2012 presidential campaign today started selling "Made in the USA" t-shirts featuring images of both President Obama and the long-form birth certificate he released copies of last month. "Wear your support for this campaign with an official Made in the USA T-shirt," his website advertises. Donate $25 or more today and we'll send you your limited-edition shirt. • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:07pm

Several veteran and prize-winning journalists who covered presidents from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush say that the current crop of White House correspondents are too timid and deferential and have played a role in killing the impact of presidential news conferences. • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:06pm

The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama's Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper's front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news "fairly." • Wed 2011 May 18, 9:03pm

Reportedly the Iranian companies participating in the forum will be from the industrial sector, which includes producers and manufacturers of chemical materials, household items, paint and coloring, food stuffs and chocolate. A financial analyst is also expected to be accompanying the delegation. The Futurallia Forum is an annual international conference created for business and trade networking, as well as accessing ways to connect small businesses with larger trade outlets, financial facilities, as well as technological promotion and agreements for greater international economic growth. This is despite the U.S. sanctions put in place by the Obama administration. The Iranian leaders, who have continuously refused to give in to U.N. demands to halt their nuclear enrichment program and are under four sets of U.N. Security Council sanctions, must be jubilant that the Obama administration is backpedaling on the mandated sanctions and has allowed the State Department to issue them visas and host the delegation here in the United States. • Tue 2011 May 17, 7:05pm

Former President Jimmy Carter and former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari were hoping to visit the State Department this week to brief officials on their recent trip to North Korea, but nobody at the State Department was available to meet with them. Carter and Ahtisaari, both Nobel Peace Prize laureates, had been eager to give their readout of their meetings in North Korea April 26 and 27 to U.S. officials and press their case for a resumption of food aid to the Hermit Kingdom. The two are members of the Elders, a group of senior figures who have been informally engaging with regimes that official governments won't deal with, in the hopes of finding pathways to peace. They traveled to North Korea last month with former Irish President Mary Robinson and former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Bruntland. Other members of the Elders include Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Suu Kyi. • Tue 2011 May 17, 7:04pm

Hillary ClintonEight years as president is enough, thank you. At least that's what Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says President Barack Obama told her the other day. Clinton said Tuesday that she and Obama often marvel over foreign despots who want to stay in power for decades. [AAAHHHHHH! EIGHT YEARS TOO MANY!] • Tue 2011 May 17, 2:59pm

After Osama bin Laden was killed, 13-year-old Vito LaPinta posted an update to his Facebook status that got the Feds attention. "I was saying how Osama was dead and for Obama to be careful because there could be suicide bombers," says LaPinta. A week later, while Vito was in his fourth period class, he was called in to the principal's office. "A man walked in with a suit and glasses and he said he was part of the Secret Service," LaPinta said. "He told me it was because of a post I made that indicated I was a threat toward the President." • Tue 2011 May 17, 10:09am

ObamaOf the 204 new Obamacare waivers President Barack Obama's administration approved in April, 38 are for fancy eateries, hip nightclubs and decadent hotels in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's Northern California district. That's in addition to the 27 new waivers for health care or drug companies and the 31 new union waivers Obama's Department of Health and Human Services approved. • Tue 2011 May 17, 7:04am

Addressing the graduates of Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis yesterday, Obama said he met the daughter of the principal and found out that she attends a different school. "She was worried that the boys would be afraid to talk to her if her mom (the principal) was lurking in the hallways," Obama said. He quickly added: "Which is why my next job will be principal at Sasha and Malia's high school -- and then I'll be president of their college." • Tue 2011 May 17, 6:56am

Terry Lakin... was just released from prison.... after serving five months of a six-month sentence for refusing to go to Afghanistan.... [Thanks to the President's recalcitrance to provide ordinary personal documents] • Sat 2011 May 14, 9:08pm

host Fareed Zakaria. In an interview with fellow CNN host Elliot Spitzer, Zakaria admitted Obama and he talk regularly about the Middle East and international policy, a point that Spitzer said makes his heart "warm: • Sat 2011 May 14, 8:12am

U.S. President Barack Obama is announcing a new initiative to increase domestic oil production, while moving toward lowering the country's dependence on imported oil. [After Obama & his political kin have spent decades destroying America's domestic production, what matters this lame propaganda sop?] • Thu 2011 May 12, 6:45pm

ObamaKill each other over money and white boys for fun. That line, in case anyone missed it in a previous column on the topic, comes from rapper Common's song "Don't Come My Way." It is a blatantly racist sentiment and incites violence. Another of his lyrics—this one from the song "The Bitch in Yoo"—spells America with three k's ("amerikkka") and is too heavily peppered with profanity and iterations of the b-word to reprint. So much for the lunkheaded liberal efforts to excuse the man's opus as "socially conscious" or to dismiss objections to it as a manufactured controversy. Inviting a progenitor of hate speech to the White House is an affront on all things American. It is every bit as misguided as it would have been for the president—who is half-white, after all—to invite a white supremacist to the East Room to recite selections from his collected "verse." [H/T to Patti • Thu 2011 May 12, 1:29pm

It is likely Obama met Common at the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ were both men were members. • Thu 2011 May 12, 1:28pm

In an afternoon session, first lady Michelle Obama had welcomed various poets to the White House poetry event, but notably ignored the rapper, whose stage-name is Common. ... Common was introduced at the evening session without any reference to the conservatives' derision of his poetry or to some police advocates' dismay.... [CONSERVATIVES? SOME POLICE?] The president could not easily walk away from the rapper for fear of offending vital supporters in the African-American community, and he could not afford to fully embrace the rapper at this evening's event because that endorsement risks the president's effort to portray himself as a post-racial healer of social divisions.... • Thu 2011 May 12, 1:12pm

The White House on Wednesday defended the decision to invite the hip-hop artist Common to a celebration of poetry hosted by President Obama and his wife, Michelle, saying they disavow some of the rapper's controversial lyrics but accusing critics of blowing the issue out of proportion. "He's spoken very forcefully out against violent and misogynist lyrics," press secretary Jay Carney told reporters... Common celebrated a former Black Panther who was convicted of killing a New Jersey state trooper... also has called for former President George W. Bush to be burned... • Wed 2011 May 11, 12:50pm

While even casual hip-hop fans wouldn't characterize him as a controversial rapper, Common found himself under the microscope after First Lady Michelle Obama invited him to the White House for an arts event. In question: the lyrics to "A Song for Assata," about convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther Assata Shakur. FOX News and Sarah Palin condemned the decision after the Daily Caller published some of Common's lyrics, including some that criticize former President George W. Bush. For New Jersey police, the outrage centers on "A Song for Assata" lyrics like "Your power and pride is beautiful. May God bless your soul." Shakur, formerly known as Joanne Chesimard, was convicted for the 1973 slaying of Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike. She escaped prison in 1979, and is living in asylum in Cuba. • Tue 2011 May 10, 5:54pm

President Barack Obama stood near the border with Mexico on Tuesday and declared it more secure than ever... I gotta say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. ... Maybe they'll need a moat," he said mockingly to laughter from the crowd. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat...." [WHAT AN ... everybody's got one.] • Tue 2011 May 10, 5:53pm

President Obama doesn't seem to have even peered out his Air Force One window to view the swelling Mississippi, a minimal show of interest for which George W. Bush was pilloried when he took a peek at the damage wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. At least Bush bothered to look.... White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who spoke with reporters aboard Air Force One, was asked whether Obama had bothered to get a view from above. "I haven't seen him do that but I haven't been with him for the full flight so far...." • Tue 2011 May 10, 12:30pm

This operation was a setup. The Pak Army knew enough to clear the ground and the air. Otherwise, all it takes is one guy with an RPG to blow up a helicopter that's flying low enough and slow enough to land and take off again. It might take 15 minutes on the ground to do the job, and you're a sitting duck for UBL's bodyguards and random soldiers. So this had to be coordinated with all the big players on the ground. It's like a Chicago mob hit: Everybody knows except the target. • Tue 2011 May 10, 12:22pm

In her new biography of Ann Dunham, A Singular Woman, New York Times reporter Janny Scott corrupts Barack Obama's nativity story even more than a cynic might have thought possible. In so doing, Scott follows an ignoble media tradition that deserves exposure as does the story that it corrupts. • Tue 2011 May 10, 12:19pm

ObamaNo one on Earth has done more to help al-Qaeda in the last six weeks than Barack Obama. ... setting up al-Qaeda financially for years to come. One of the first things the U.S.-led coalition did when it invaded Libya in March was to help the radical Islamist led rebels capture the oil fields.... capable of generating $34 billion ... a year. ... With billions they'll eventually reap in profits from the oil each year, they could easily wage a multi-front jihad and have plenty of money left over for a bio weapon to wipe out the entire American East Coast. ... The pattern by the Obama administration is almost eerie. First, al Qaeda-led rebels capture part of a country and declare it an Islamic emirate or caliphate. Then Obama backs the overthrow of that country's embattled leader, declaring that he must go in the interest of democracy, even when that goes against U.S. interests in the War on Terror. That's exactly what happened in Libya. It's what happened again in Yemen. ... • Tue 2011 May 10, 11:10am

Hillary Clintona breakdown of the instantly iconic image of Barack Obama and his security team watching the Osama Bin Laden mission unfold. We zoomed in on each of the participants here and named them.
