Blog Heap o'Links for March 2012

Links in this view: 95

Scary Times


...A rapidly increasing stream of New Age believers – or esoterics, as locals call them – have descended in their camper van-loads on the usually picturesque and tranquil Pyrenean village of Bugarach. They believe that when apocalypse strikes on 21 December this year, the aliens waiting in their spacecraft inside Pic de Bugarach will save all the humans near by and beam them off to the next age.

As the cataclysmic date – which, according to eschatological beliefs and predicted astrological alignments, concludes a 5,125-year cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar – nears, the goings-on around the peak have become more bizarre and ritualistic....

5:48pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 30 :MW

Lost and Found


Little Rock... Tuscon [the hawk] was "free-flying" over the audience when the sound startled him, and he took off.

Zoo officials had hoped Tucson would get hungry and come home. Five weeks later, he is home -- but not before stopping by the Wild Heart Ranch and a short side trip to Bartlesville....

10:06am CDT Thu 2012 Mar 29 :MW



Barack Hussein Obama’s appeal is simple: he is the personification of treason, which is the most basic impulse of the America-hating elitist liberals who run the media and installed him in power.

8:22am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

Bad Parents

In an episode of Lifetime's "Dance Moms" called "Topless Showgirls," Pittsburgh dance instructor Abby Lee Miller teaches her eight-year-old students a "classic" burlesque dance, replete with flesh-toned bras to simulate the "illusion of nudity." [Video]
[h/t Pistol Pete at Polination]

8:38am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

US Civil War - still with us

Ralph Nader inteviewing Judge Napolitano about Abraham Lincoln [video]

8:27am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

Post-Racist World

If the demonstrators were merely calling for an investigation that would be proper. But the cries for retribution, and the accusations of racism, which dominate the public demonstrations are not. And that goes for the statement of the President as well. Not willing to be separated from his racial constituency, even when they are behaving badly, Obama has lent his prestige to the insinuation that the crime was inspired by the victim’s race. Otherwise there would be no reason to mention the fact that “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Everyone who has a son should be concerned by the loss of this life. By making it racial, the president is establishing guilt without evidence, and indicting non-black America as well.
[h/t Pistol Pete at Polination]

8:31am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 28 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

110 This timeline of events makes me curious. Bear with me.

February 28. Trayvon Martin is killed.

March 1st. Andrew Breitbart passes away. A few days later, his organization releases tapes that showcase Derrick Bell and his Critical Race Theory, and ties Bell to Obama.

March 15th. Bill Ayers makes this statement: "I think the people who practice white supremacy and who benefit from it are going to have to be stopped. And I think that's a huge undertaking and I think it takes a revolution."

March 20th. Malia Obama goes to Mexico on Spring Break. Why do I mention this? Because this is the day that we all got to witness the very blatant fact that Obama can tell the Press which stories NOT to run.

March 20th, again. The first mention of the Trayvon Martin case that I have been able to find in the National press. Why then? Three full weeks had passed between the shooting and the Media push. Was this story intentionally pushed by the White House? We know they have the power and a willing press - they just demonstrated it themselves that very day.

Then Barack Obama inserts himself into the story, not to reign it in, but to provide an empathetic cover.

Recall the quote from Professor Bell, beloved mentor of Barack Obama: “ The new crop of leaders are going to be a lot more dangerous and
radical, and the next phase will probably be led by charismatic individuals, who urge that instead of killing each other, they should go out in gangs and kill a whole lot of white people.”

11:28am CDT Mon 2012 Mar 26 :MW

US Military

…chief of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center for the past six years, he has functioned in a funereal capacity for al-Qaeda. Roger, which is the first name of his cover identity, may be the most consequential but least visible national security official in Washington — the principal architect of the CIA’s drone campaign and the leader of the hunt for Osama bin Laden. In many ways, he has also been the driving force of the Obama administration’s embrace of targeted killing as a centerpiece of its counterterrorism efforts.

Colleagues describe Roger as a collection of contradictions. A chain-smoker who spends countless hours on a treadmill. Notoriously surly yet able to win over enough support from subordinates and bosses to hold on to his job. He presides over a campaign that has killed thousands of Islamist militants and angered millions of Muslims, but he is himself a convert to Islam.

[h/t War News Update]

7:49pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 26 :MW

Liberal Politics

GW Bush

[slightly edited for typos]

159 "Has anyone (any sane adult, that is) figured out why the Reds hate Cheney so much? What has he ever done (by their lights, of course) to provoke such enmity, exactly?"

He beat them like a redheaded stepchild. He bent them over and made them his bitch. Called a Congressman an asshole and when called on it said he is an asshole. He never compromised his values or opinions and they hate him for it.

Mr. Cheney, I salute you. You truely are a gift to this country and a great American.

11:21am CDT Sun 2012 Mar 25 :MW


In Turban

has anyone noticed that our president no longer conducts his rare press conferences with the traditional trappings of American flags in the background?

Instead, a bright yellow curtain replete with what some people believe are Arabic symbols now decorates the press room...

The Oval Office is now almost devoid of the traditional display of American red, white, and blue. It has been replaced with what appears to be middle eastern wallpaper, drapes, and decor and the hallway Obama uses to talk to the press now features middle eastern-style chairs, drapes, etc.

And, has anyone noticed that Obama seems more Islamic than he seems American?

1:39pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Wars and Rumors

Mushroom cloud

If Iran goes nuclear it will change our world.

An Iranian atom bomb will force Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt to acquire their own atom bombs. Thus a multipolar nuclear arena will be established in the most volatile region on earth. Sooner or later, this unprecedented development will produce a nuclear event. The world we know will cease to be the world we know after Tehran, Riyadh, Cairo or Tel Aviv become the 21st century’s Hiroshima.

An Iranian bomb will bring about universal nuclear proliferation. Humanity’s greatest achievement since 1945 was controlling nuclear armament by limiting the number of members in the exclusive nuclear club. This unfair arrangement created a world order that guaranteed relative world peace.

[From Ari Shavit, New York Times, quoted in War News Update, whose editor comments, "This is the worse case scenario .... one that is unfortunately slowly unfolding in front of our eyes."]

1:31pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Big Brother


Samsung’s 2012 top-of-the-line plasmas and LED HDTVs offer new features never before available within a television including a built-in, internally wired HD camera, twin microphones, face tracking and speech recognition. While these features give you unprecedented control over an HDTV, the devices themselves, more similar than ever to a personal computer, may allow hackers or even Samsung to see and hear you and your family, and collect extremely personal data.... And while there is no current evidence of any particular security hole or untoward behavior by Samsung’s app partners, Samsung has only stated that it “assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable” in the event that a product or service is not “appropriate.”...
[h/t samzenpus on SlashDot, c/o Ace of Spades\

12:15pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Disinformation Propaganda and Spin

MRCTV's Alicia Powe and Katie Yoder confront DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) about her claim that Republicans want to 'literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws' by enforcing voter id laws. Schultz denies ever making a Jim Crow reference. [Video]

6:29pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Before Any Facts Are Known About Whether George Zimmerman

1. Is Even A Republican, Or
2. If He Listens To Talk Radio At All, And
3. Has Paid Any Attention Whatsoever To The Republican Presidential Race,

Let's Sound Smart By Accusing Rush, Newt And Rick Of 'Creating The Environment' That Led To TrayVon Martin's Death

6:28pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

President Obama denied culpability for the failure of solar firm Solyndra in a radio interview on Tuesday, instead pinning the blame on Congress and the Chinese.

1:20pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Rage -- not a good idea

Rage Guy

Jonatha Carr is a black female college student in Florida. She was organizing a bus trip to take people to a protest for Trayvon Martin. Immediately after being interviewed by the media, she begins screaming hysterically during a lecture. She screams about white people over and over, attacks one student, and threatens to murder her professor.

1:33pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Liberal Politics

Donkey's rear

BOXER: (bangs gavel) Sen. Inhofe, my dear friend. (bangs gavel) [video]

1:17pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Bad Parents

From the Department of “WTF WERE YOU THINKING YOU F*%#ING MORON” comes a great clip of a very misguided father showing his young child how awesome skate boarding can be. [Horrifying video]

6:49pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Child endangerment charges have been filed against an Uptown [Chicago] couple accused of flying to Las Vegas and leaving their two children, 12 and 9, home alone for nearly two days.

6:44pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Liberty and Justice

Certainly many of us are not happy that this ended the way it did – but what was this kid doing lurking where he obviously did not belong? What was his intent? And why did he attack Zimmerman?

Does that count?

When he claims there was “no probable cause to engage [Martin]“, West ignores eyewitness and other solid evidence that Martin attacked Zimmerman. Martin’s behavior and actions might be explained by use of drugs and/or criminal intent so yes, I agree with West that we need a fair, complete investigation by RESPONSIBLE ENTITIES (this pretty much excludes the DOJ and Eric Holder) and this does need to be handled without undue influence of POLITICIANS (like West, as well as others), the media, and the “usual suspects” (assorted “Reverends” and other known racists like “Looney Louie”).

7:47pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Congressman Allen West: ...Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason. I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation. I am not heading to Sanford to shout and scream, because we need the responsible entities and agencies to handle this situation from this point without media bias or undue political influences. This is an outrage.

7:43pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Feeding Ourselves


Debi Vinnedge, of the pro-life group Children of God for Life, explained,

"What they don't tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 -- human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors."

In August 2010, PepsiCo entered into a four-year agreement with Senomyx for the development of artificial high-potency sweeteners for PepsiCo beverages. Under the contract, PepsiCo is paying $30 million to Senomyx for the research and future royalties on PepsiCo products sold using Senomyx technology. When the prolife group wrote both companies requesting they use one of several non-objectionable, viable cell lines listed in their patents, Senomyx did not respond. PepsiCo did reply however and insisted that its use of the research from Senomyx would produce "great tasting, lower-calorie beverages."

1:03pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

US Military

US flag

Besides waiting nearly a week before identifying the Army staff sergeant who's accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers, the U.S. military scrubbed its websites of references to his combat service. ... Several former military officers said they were perplexed that the Army would try to remove information that already had been public. One called it "unusual." Experts agreed that the effort was futile. ... [h/t War News Update]

1:10pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

Jesus - still with us

Fr Rogers
Richard Clark Rodgers was born January 1, 1916 and died March 14, 2012. He is survived by Lillian, his wife of 70 years. He is also survived by sons Dick (Linda), Bozeman, MT, Stephen (Mary), Edinburg, VA, and Greg (Mikki), Tucson and by his daughter Mary (Jim), Tucson and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Richard was the rector at St Luke's Episcopal Church in Bartlesville from 1947-1966 and was involved in the transition of Jane Phillips Hospital to Jane Phillips Episcopal Hospital. Richard and Lillian retired to Tucson in 1983 after his career as an Episcopal priest in Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. Memorial Service were held at St Alban's Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ at 2pm on Saturday, March 17, 2012. [Father Rogers, thank you for answering my silly childhood questions about God in a way that told me, even if we can't know the whole truth, we can find answers. Thank you for being there that strange day when I reached out for help. Your smile continues to light my heart.]
6:41pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW

US Constitution

Here’s a little civics lesson from the Founding Fathers for the insufferable Madame Pelousy and the Manchurian Moonbat (hint, they would be tried for treason in those saner times):

“On every question of construction [of the Constitution], let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”
— Thomas Jefferson

With respect to the words general welfare, I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.
- James Madison

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”
— Daniel Webster

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.”
- James Madison

“Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation”
- James Madison

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny”
- James Madison

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
- Thomas Jefferson

If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.
- Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
-Thomas Jefferson

“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“The Tenth Amendment is the foundation of the Constitution.”
- Thomas Jefferson

If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare… they may appoint teachers in every state… The powers of Congress would subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.
- James Madison

“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.”
— Thomas Jefferson

I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.
-Thomas Jefferson

8:12pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 23 :MW



he calls the media’s suppression of his findings of a likely forged presidential birth certificate and Selective Service Card “probably the biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States.”

“I’m not going after the president to keep him off a ballot or anything else, but that could happen,” Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “I’m going at it strictly as a law-enforcement guy investigating a possible forgery and fraud. I’m sticking with that, but I’ll tell you one thing. We got tons of other information that could be very shocking, too, but I’m sticking now with just the [forgery] investigation and possible criminal violations.”

6:17pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW

Theory of Education

Helen Lovejoy

"Russell Hobby, of the National Association of Head Teachers, confirmed some schools were adopting best-friend bans."

By the same logic, romantic relationships will be banned, on the pretext that feelings will be hurt if they don’t work out.... A slave’s only meaningful relationship should be with his master: Big Government.

5:58pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW

Just a Fluke

“So, I’m not familiar with specific department store policies. I know that some generic forms of contraception are less expensive than others and that that has been widely reported. But what has not been widely reported is that many women cannot use those forms of contraception.”

“Women have different types of medical needs that require much more expensive forms,” she said. “One woman contacted me. She was very, very upset that that quote was being emphasized because she has a genetic condition that requires her to use contraception that costs $1,500.”

[um... right. h/t Ace of Spades]

9:18pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 22 :MW

Know the Enemy

This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections. Simply click on the items that interest you, and your tour through the Left will be underway.
[Video by DtN creator David Horowitz]
[h/t Cuz BD]

9:31am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Marriage Today

[A horror story of an ending to a beautiful marriage. What their attacker deserves, only God can justly mete out. They deserve to be remembered and honored.] An 85-year-old woman was sexually assaulted and battered to death by a home invader who also shot her 90-year-old husband in the face with a BB gun. Nancy and Bob Strait, who had celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in December, were discovered by their daughter at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Both the pensioners were rushed to hospital where Mrs Strait, who was nearly blind, died from her injuries.
5:29pm CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Modern Family Life

Remember, it’s only premarital sex if you get married afterwards!
9:03am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW
I was raised Catholic myself, so I’m well familiar with the guilt/shame spiral that causes adherents to cherry-pick which “sins” they commit – Catholic guilt certainly doesn’t stop people from engaging in premarital sex, but it does sometimes prevent them from seeking proper birth control, because only a “loose” woman would be so brazen as to go that far. So then they are more likely to get pregnant, compounding their sense of shame… and perhaps will even go so far as to get an abortion rather than bear the public ignominy of being a “fallen” woman. Saw this happen with friends and relatives. It’s a weird, counterproductive mindset that causes a lot of misery that could be avoided if they weren’t taught by the Church to be so hung up about natural urges.
9:01am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW

Free Expression

Andrew Napolitano weighs in on a new federal law that could result in felony charges for those trying to petition our rulers for redress of our grievances as if this were still America [video]

9:20am CDT Wed 2012 Mar 21 :MW



He says that Mary Ayers told him the student’s name, but that it was a “strange name” that he could not remember, even though at the time it sounded African to him.

“I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him,” Hulton says. “And I believe she said he was from either Kenya or Indonesia, and I favor Indonesia in my recollection.”

8:17pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW
Young O, smoking

March 20, 2012 at 1:26 am

I will say it now, I will say it again. And I’ve been saying it for years.

Bill Ayers met Obama at Occidental College in 1980.

Prove me wrong.

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were on the run in 1980 (she was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List), and OXY was the SDS West Coast hangout.

Obama gave his first college speech at the behest of the OXY on-campus SDS in 1980. Everyone important in the SDS would have been there.

I say Ayers attended and met Obama.

Fast forward a couple of years.

Ayers receives his MED (Early Childhood Education) from Bank Street College in NYC in 1984.

Obama graduates from Columbia in Poly-Sci in 1983.

Bank Street College and Columbia basically share (in New York City terms) the same parking lot.

They lived in the same general area, they walked the same campus, and they undoubtedly attended the same like-minded political soirees, and sipped espresso at the same bourgeois jazz salons.

After college, both ended back in Chicago in 1985 or so, moving into homes only three blocks apart in Morningside Heights.

Within months Bernardine Dorhn (Ayer’s wife) joins the Chicago Sidley and Austin Law firm, whose board Tom Ayer’s (Bill’s dad) controls.

Obama’s soon-to-be wife, Michelle Robinson, gets a job at Sidley at that time, and is tutored by Dohrn. Shortly thereafter, Obama begins a summer internmanship at Sidley and Austin.

I could go on, and on, and f**king on, but the sheep sleep.

It is a fantasy story to those Canadian cretins who mistake their little finger for their dick, and for the rest of the lie-berals who don’t trust anything more relevant than Oprah’s diet.

7:04pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family. He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.” (In a classy move, he did this while his producers put up the cover of my book, which tells about the forgiveness and redemption I’ve found in God after my past – very public — mistakes.)

If Maher talked about Malia and Sasha that way, you’d return his dirty money and the Secret Service would probably have to restrain you....

[That last part makes some assumptions about our Angry Narcissist in Chief that I don't think necessarily are as true as one might want for his children. h/t The Blaze]

2:05pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

According to Hulton, he encountered the fellow on the sidewalk on the front of the Ayers home. In that it was extremely rare to see a black man in this tony neighborhood, Hulton believes that the man felt the need to explain his visit to the Ayers household. Hulton describes him as friendly and neatly, although casually, dressed. Hulton tells Corsi, "I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama." ... Obama explained to Hulton that he had taken the train out from Chicago to Glen Ellyn in order "to thank the Ayers family personally for helping him with his education." What shocked Hulton was that when casually inquiring into the young man's plans for the future, Obama answered, "I am going to be president of the United States." As Hulton tells Corsi, "[i]t came across like this was something that's already been determined." Adds Hulton, "I was speechless."

1:34pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Wars and Rumors

* Claims come a month after government announced plans to monitor all online communications
* Players reportedly choose realistic war games to mask their plotting as harmless gamers' chatter
* Jihadis may even be using the ultra-realistic violent simulations as training for planned atrocities

8:04pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

A classified war simulation held this month to assess the repercussions of an Israeli attack on Iran forecasts that the strike would lead to a wider regional war, which could draw in the United States and leave hundreds of Americans dead

8:03pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

WW2 - still with us

Extraordinary images merge images of European city streets in war and peace

8:54pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Police Riot

one officer, who argued with reporters in the road’s median, telling them that they must move. When they refused, he insisted: “Your First Amendment right can be terminated if you’re creating a scene or whatever.”

Challenged by reporters that they had not created a scene, the officer replied: “Your presence is creating a scene.”

One of the reporters’ responds: “But this is what we do for a living! What we do for a living is creating a scene?” Another reporter adds: “You’ve got a lawsuit coming.”

“I don’t care about no damn lawsuit!” the officer answers. “F*ck a lawsuit. Just ’cause you sue doesn’t mean you’re going to win.”

8:15pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Big Brother

Once built, it will be more than five times the size of the US Capitol.... secretly capturing, storing, and analyzing vast quantities of words and images hurtling through the world’s telecommunications networks. In the little town of Bluffdale, Big Love and Big Brother have become uneasy neighbors.... Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency. A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness” program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy.
[h/t The Blaze]

1:58pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Agency director says it will 'transform' surveillance

  • Devices connected to internet leak information
  • CIA director says these gadgets will 'transform clandestine tradecraft'
  • Spies could watch thousands via supercomputers
  • People 'bug' their own homes with web-connected devices

[h/t War News Update]

1:27pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Know the Enemy

For anyone who doesn’t get it yet, Scientific American spells it out in words of one syllable. Environmentalist ideology boils down to the ultimate dream of progressives: one-world totalitarian government from which no human can escape.

9:00pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

STEPHEN LERNER SEIU EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER AND LABOR ORGANIZER: "...In California yesterday, a community group, ACCE, and the longshoremen reoccupied the home of a longshoreman that had been evicted from his home.... I think there’s never been a more exciting time in my 30 years of organizing to imagine building the kind of movement that can transform the country, that can really talk about redistributing wealth and power. [emphasis added]
[h/t Weasel Zippers]

2:02pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Art of

Funny comparison pictures
1:28pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Science Marches Onnnnnn

"It wasn't in your arm.It's moved into your vascular system. It may be in your heart, or elsewhere. We are prepping you immediately to have the Interventional Radiologist attempt to use a catheter to find and extract the lost tubing, but if that fails, and it is still in your heart, we will have to perform open heart surgery on you."

1:10pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Modern Family Life

Modern technology allows prospective parents to learn the sex of a fetus, and many of them use that knowledge to exercise a preference for sons. Absent such intervention, about 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. But as Mara Hvistendahl reports in her 2011 book "Unnatural Selection," the number for boys per 100 girls has risen to 112 in India and 121 in China.

It was once assumed that the general preference for male offspring would subside as countries became richer and women became more educated. But in country after country, that has proved false. … "female feticide" is so common in Canada that he believes "doctors should be allowed to disclose this information only after about 30 weeks of pregnancy — in other words, when an unquestioned abortion is all but impossible…."

Selective abortion, however, does not target only girls. Recent screening advances now make it easier and safer to detect Down syndrome in the womb… A survey reported in the American Journal of Medical Genetics found that only 4 percent of parents with Down syndrome children regret having them — and nearly 99 percent of the people with the disorder said they are happy with their lives&hellip.
2:10pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Only Natural


It's a terrifying way to get a temporary tattoo. To get the feathery looking, fern-like pattern running down this man's left arm, he first needed to be struck by lightning.

9:02pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

Digital History

Real Programmers write in Fortran.

Maybe they do now, in this decadent era of Lite beer, hand calculators and "user-friendly" software but back in the Good Old Days, when the term "software" sounded funny and Real Computers were made out of drums and vacuum tubes, Real Programmers wrote in machine code. Not Fortran. Not RATFOR. Not, even, assembly language. Machine Code. Raw, unadorned, inscrutable hexadecimal numbers. Directly.

Lest a whole new generation of programmers grow up in ignorance of this glorious past, I feel duty-bound to describe, as best I can through the generation gap, how a Real Programmer wrote code. I'll call him Mel, because that was his name. ...

I had been hired to write a Fortran compiler for this new marvel and Mel was my guide to its wonders. Mel didn't approve of compilers.

"If a program can't rewrite its own code," he asked, "what good is it?" [emphasis added — I loved Mel from this sentence!]

1:32pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

US Military

USA flag

“It’s not shocking to me,” said Kevin Baker, a former staff sergeant with Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. “There are hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers who are screaming for help, but they aren’t getting it. And this was what, his fourth deployment? That’s pretty ridiculous.”

8:05pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW

US Election 2012

David Boaz, executive vice president of the Cato Institute: Being philosophically minded, what scares me most about Rick Santorum is not his specific policy mistakes but his fundamental objection to the American idea of freedom. He criticizes the pursuit of happiness! He says, “This is the mantra of the left: I have a right to do what I want to do” and “We have a whole culture that is focused on immediate gratification and the pursuit of happiness . . . and it is harming America.” And then he says that what the Founders meant by happiness was “to do the morally right thing.” He really doesn’t like the idea of America as a free society, where adults make their own decisions and sometimes make choices that Santorum disapproves. In practice, I worry that he would continue and intensify Bush’s big-government conservatism, a federal government committed to reshaping individuals according to a religious-conservative blueprint.
[h/t Matt Welch, Reason]

2:12pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 20 :MW


Ol Loose Lips

Although the executive order is an update to the almost identical EO 12919, which was signed by Bill Clinton in 1994, in Section 201(b) of the new version, the words “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions” have been added.

In other words, the federal government is claiming the power to seize totalitarian control of the whole economy – nationalization über alles.

The administration’s move to allow an executive order designed for a time of national crisis to be applied in non-emergency peace time represents a significant ratcheting up on the richter scale of martial law, a measurement Infowars has been upgrading since the late 1990′s.

9:17pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW

Under Tyranny

There was torture, starvation, betrayals and executions, but to Shin In Geun, Camp 14 – a prison for the political enemies of North Korea – was home. Then one day came the chance to flee…

4:12pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW

Liberal Politics

Graphic: Liberals, seen by friends, family, world, and reality.

9:28pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW

Just a Fluke

I hope you’ll join me in giving this young lady our full attention. [Video]
[On YouTube]
[h/t Spot on Ace of Spades]

12:43pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW

US Civil War - still with us

Last year marked the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War... these [48] photographs [were] taken 150 years ago -- providing a glimpse of a United States that was only 85 years old at the time.

4:17pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW

History - still with us

"Pectoral crosses from the dawn of Christianity in England, and bed burials - where the body was laid on a real bed, now traced only by its iron supports, centuries after the timber rotted – are both extremely rare.


A gold and garnet pectoral cross of such quality, the most beautiful and sophisticated examples of Anglo-Saxon metalwork like the contemporary jewels found in the Staffordshire Hoard or the Sutton Hoo burial, could only have been owned by a member of an aristocratic or even royal family. Only five have been found, one in the coffin of St Cuthbert. In some contemporary pieces the gems came from as far as India, and the gold from melted down coins from Constantinople."

[h/t & quotes swiped from Miss80sBaby at Ace of Spades]

1:07pm CDT Mon 2012 Mar 19 :MW


Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has subpoenaed 80,000 pages of documents concerning Fast and Furious. Holder has only provided about 7,000 pages. He has, however, given all 80,000 to his internal investigator — DOJ’s Office of Inspector General.... few of the documents Holder dumped on Congress are actually related to Fast and Furious.

5:13pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW

Video of Biden during St Pat's parade in Pittsburg, with "chorus of boos."

3:29pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW

481 So I saw something posted that made me laugh. "If Obama was a Greek god, his name would be Mediocrates."

1:14pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW
Ol' loose lips

There are no words that can fully capture the idiocy of a) depleting the oil emergency reserves of the UK and the US and b) allowing domestic refining capacity to further decrease in the face of a potential major supply disruption should the ME goes up in flames.

12:43pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW

Under Tyranny

This inspiring woman was born in Hitler’s Germany and lived under communist rule for years before becoming an American citizen.

Her video explanation of what happened in Germany under communism and the parallels to our current administration and the path we are on will give you a chill.

5:14pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW

Man and Woman

In one experiment, just telling a man he would be observed by a female was enough to hurt his psychological performance.
12:04pm CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW
“Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out,” according to Dr. Weatherby.
11:56am CDT Sun 2012 Mar 18 :MW


Earlier this week, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to justify presidential killing in a speech at Northwestern University law school. In it, he recognized the requirement of the Fifth Amendment for due process. He argued that the president may substitute the traditionally understood due process -- a public jury trial—with the president's own novel version of it; that would be a secret deliberation about killing.

4:59pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Humans can be Dangerous

Officials at a German zoo said the life of a baby rabbit born without ears was cut short when a cameraman stepped on him while filming a news segment.

5:15pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Constitutional Threat

In her dissenting opinion, however, Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod said she disagrees with the majority’s conclusion that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect an individual’s right to a specific firearm unless the government has prevented that person from acquiring others.

Elrod argued the majority impermissibly treated the Second Amendment as a "second-class right" by carving out an exception.

"It is particularly unfortunate for our circuit to endorse the atextual, ahistorical rule that the Second Amendment does not protect particular firearms," she wrote.

...this is government deciding it can violate the property rights of a gun owner whenever it wishes too with no penalty for doing so....

5:13pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Just a Fluke

Rosie the Riveter, revised for 2012

5:07pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Earth Shakes

The Washington Monument, which is slated for repairs after it was damaged in an earthquake last year, appears to be sinking, according to preliminary data collected by the National Geodetic Survey.

4:49pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Animal Companions

According to Tate, 7-year-old Gia Conner had been for some time looking on the internet for a dog and had typed “Washington County” in a search engine and up came the Washington County SPCA site — and its little dog, Toto, too.

When her aunt, Jacque Dwyer, saw Toto was not in Washington County, Penn., but Washington County, Okla., she was unfazed.

5:49pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW

Being Human

For over 90 years, Captain James Arruda Henry of Mystic,Connecticut, remained illiterate, ashamed to order from menus and other things many of us take for granted. Captain Henry proved that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks when, with the help of volunteer English tutors and pure perseverance, he finally learned how to read and write at the ripe age of 92-years young.

The Captain didn’t stop there. After breaking the literacy barrier, his stories from the many years at sea started pouring onto the page. The only logical next step was to turn his incredible life stories into a book. At age 98, James Henry published his autobiography, ”In a Fisherman’s Language,” a collection of short stories from his time as a fisherman.

[h/t BC at I' linked at Moonbattery]

5:26pm CDT Sat 2012 Mar 17 :MW


Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament unanimously voted on Monday in support of expelling Israel’s ambassador in Cairo and halting gas exports to the Jewish state. ... A law passed by Congress in December forbids funding unless the State Department certifies that Egypt is making progress in basic freedoms and human rights.

But Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is close to announcing plans to bypass those restrictions on national security grounds for fear of worsening already fraying ties with Egyptian leaders...

7:40pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 16 :MW

Theory of Education

Cartoon Network’s new film, “Stop Bullying: Speak Out.” As its name suggests, the movie aims to teach kids to speak out when they witness bullying — and to not bully other children themselves. One of its many prescriptions: Don’t call classmates words like “stupid,” “fat” and “jerk.” "...But just saying, ‘Stop it! You know, you’re being a jerk!’–walk away, get away from this person can make a huge amount of difference.”
[h/t J on Moonbattery]

6:22pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 16 :MW

Man and Woman

David Reimer was hailed by scientists as a triumph of nurture over nature. But as his suicide shows, this was a terrible mistake.
4:28pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 16 :MW

Defending Ourselves

A New Hampshire grandfather has been arrested and is facing a possible prison sentence for firing a shot into the ground and holding a burglar at gunpoint until the cops could arrive.
[h/t Anne at Moonbattery]

4:32pm CDT Fri 2012 Mar 16 :MW

Being Human

At a height of 2,195 metres - or 7,200 feet - the Nepalese inhabitants of Nagarkot in the Himalayas can count Mount Everest among their nearest neighbours.

A hardy population of 3,500 people carve out an existence on the slopes of the steep mountains farming for centuries with traditional terraces to stop crops sliding away.

[h/t Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at Ace of Spades]

9:22am CDT Fri 2012 Mar 16 :MW


CNN is now in full damage control mode, by trying to cast Derrick Bell, one of America’s foremost racists and former mentor to our president as a great crusader for civil rights in the spirit of Martin Luther King; unfortunately, the truth and facts are ugly and one of our president’s early friends and mentors is a vicious and vile racist who used his dubious academic credentials and a prolific effort of obfuscation to disguise stark racism as an analytical theory on race.

4:54pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

"I've heard that before, and no one ever knows where it came from," Card said of Hayes's alleged phone remark, "but people just keep repeating it and repeating it, so it's out there."
Wait, so Hayes didn't even say the quote that Obama is mocking him for? "No, no," Card confirmed. ...
In fact, Card noted, Hayes was not only the first president to have a telephone in the White House, but he was also the first to use the typewriter, and he had Thomas Edison come to the White House to demonstrate the phonograph. "So I think he was pretty much cutting edge," Card insisted, "maybe just the opposite of what President Obama had to say there."

4:41pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Uploaded by newsninja2012 on Mar 12, 2012

I am tired of the american liberal media allowing their employees to create a framework of calling us racist and uncle tom. We are Americans too that love this country and want her to succeed.

3:45pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Have you gentlemen forgotten our distinguished president is half white.
To diffuse the racial allegations, I’ve decided to hate his white side.
This half-white Betty Crocker biscuit is driving us further into debt, and his Bubba-white Muslim appeasement is as bad as his half-assed trailer-trash doughboy gunrunning program, and if he doesn’t get off his lily-white ofay honky butt when it comes to supporting our servicemen, then I think we oughta’ vote this cracker-ass whitey outta’ office.
Americans against Obama’s white side…!

12:41pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Disturbing Family Patterns

She's revered as a trail-blazing feminist and author Alice Walker touched the lives of a generation of women. A champion of women's rights, she has always argued that motherhood is a form of servitude. But one woman didn't buy in to Alice's beliefs — her daughter, Rebecca, 38. Here the writer describes what it was like to grow up as the daughter of a cultural icon, and why she feels so blessed to be the sort of woman 64-year-old Alice despises — a mother.
3:37pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Big Brother

One company served with an NSL earlier this year is pushing back on this request for silence. Wired reports that it wants to tell its customers that their information has been requested by the government and give them the opportunity to take it to court, should they wish. This “minor defiance,” Wired states, has caused the government to file a request that the company, which remains unnamed, be forced to remain quiet because speaking out “may endanger the national security of the United States.”
Wired has more on a case that it believes “shed a little light” on NSLs post-9/11 when they were reformed to not require a court order and come with forced gag orders on companies

5:02pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Know the Enemy

Angela Davis, a black activist who came to prominence in the 1960s as a leader of the Communist Party U.S.A. and the radical black group the Black Panther Party. Ms. Davis was such a high profile communist in the latter days of the Cold War that she was awarded the so-called “Lenin Peace Prize,” given to her in a Moscow ceremony by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev himself.

3:39pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Your Tax Dollars At Play

The company, which received tens of millions in state aid before shuttering its facilities last year and moving its manufacturing operations to China, filed the notice in federal bankruptcy court in Delaware on Monday. ... Evergreen received more than $20 million in grants and $11 million in tax and lease initiatives from Massachusetts. ...

4:43pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Just a Fluke

The caption that Adam added to one of the Barcelona pics, “Pretty drunk”. Is this the part where I’m supposed to pay for your condoms, Adam? You know, because traveling between L.A., D.C., and New York, and vacationing in Barcelona, Italy, etc., is pretty darned expensive. I get it. Did you piss off your uber-wealthy parents to get cut off from your trust fund? You and Sandra must need some government subsidies. Idea: mock hearing. Brilliant!

5:04pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Human Right

In his March 3 New York Times column, entitled "When States Abuse Women," Nicholas Kristof condemns a new Texas law because it requires women who seek abortions in the state, first, to have an ultra-sound exam, be told the risks associated with abortion, receive a list of counseling agencies, and wait for at least 24 hours. Kristof denounces these requirements as "state-sanctioned abuse and humiliation." He quotes Texas abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd, saying: "The state of Texas is waging war on women and their families."
To put this overheated and irresponsible rhetoric into perspective, it's worth a quick review of some states that actually do abuse women....
[h/t CuzBD]

5:56pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW

Being Human

Possibly the world’s only pop mathematician, Einstein said, “Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.” Einstein lives.

1:01pm CDT Thu 2012 Mar 15 :MW


Geez this guy is unusually stupid. It is like the liberals elected Chancy Gardner and and they are all Shirley McClain masturbating as he utters one inanity after another, and needs a teleprompter to even do that.

12:26pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW

Disturbing Family Patterns

36 200 years spans approximately 6 generations...if you think about a family business, it usually runs through 3 generations of family members before it goes tango uniform or the family sells it off. Perhaps the distance of time from founding to dissolution isordained in some regard — based on what different generations value and reject.
2:11pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW


...officials with the 11th Judicial District Drug Task Force were sent to the 1500 block of Southeast Whitney Court in Bartlesville where a resident had gone into [his] room and discovered what appeared to be marijuana and a large amount of cash. The other residents being informed of the discovery called the Washington County Sheriff's Office.... [Um... not the most compatible roommate situation, I would say. Or someone got on someone's bad side.]

3:21pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW

Scary Science

206 I love this singularity bubkis. Computer technology is advancing so fast, yadda yadda yadda.

The logic has not changed since they were invented. We're still playing out all the variations on the same thing, is all, it's still rather infant.

Computer technology has advanced in much the same way internal combustion technology has advanced. Cars keep getting faster and faster and faster... soon no doubt they will develop conciousness and rebel against their human masters.

Um no, it's just a car. Obviously that's silly. But with computers, lots of people assert we're somehow getting closer to conciousness, based on the fact that we are getting calculators to do basic arithmetic faster.

1:24pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW

Political World

67 If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

11:55am CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW

US Constitution

America was the first country to attempt a Constitutional Republic. The founders greatly distrusted a Democracy and made sure we did not have one. To quote Mel Gibson (who I am sure was quoting someone else) "Why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away"?

The founders set up the federal government with a limited set of powers and even added the bill of rights after to assure that those powers could not grow. But it lasted only until Adams cooked up his scheme to have the Supreme Court determine what it meant and usurp all the power to the feds.

So, no we didn't lose it in the 1920, we lost it in the early 1800s shortly after it was written.

It was completely gone by the end of the FDR regime

2:21pm CDT Tue 2012 Mar 13 :MW


183 Not in these numbers are the construction workers who get maybe one job a month and subsist on food stamps the rest of the time.

Not in these numbers are the droves forty and fifty year old veterans trying to re-enlist because there's no work to be had.

Not in these numbers are the people who bought cheaply a disused and broken-down piece of machinery, such as a pressure washer or a floor waxer and call themselves a business despite net profits less than minimum wage.

Not in these numbers are the former salesmen, once well to do on commissions, manning cash registers or stocking shelves in grocery stores.

Not in these numbers are the scrappers who ride around looking for appliances on the roadside, or dig through garbage cans at the local gas station for aluminum to sell. Or their less scrupulous cousins, the metal thieves who will take any salable metal that isn't bolted down, even if it's a sewer cover or railroad tie.

Also not to be found these numbers is a certain exhausted, exasperated swamp philosopher, an ex-retail manager whose job was downsized, lives with his mother, and can only find part-time work while working on a bachelor's

This is the new America. Living on its' parents couches while the world falls down around it. Clinging to the tattered shreds of dreams that refuse to die. Where if you're not receiving the government cheese, you're paying for it.

Remember who we are and what we are fighting for. A blind, three-legged dog would be a better President than Obama.

Liberius Cato

Marxism delenda est

Posted by: Cato at March 09, 2012 11:42 AM (Gk+Km)

12:36pm CST Fri 2012 Mar 9 :MW