
…It appears to me that the “scientists” listened to by the writer are oriented to those who oppose the production of oil and gas and the frac treatments used to enhance the productivity of the wells. The existence of a worldwide movement having such opposition to such production with the goal of depopulation of the world by any means was brought to my attention when my now 52 year old youngest was a Weebalos Cub Scout.
It had been the practice of the Pack, 237, Lakewood, Colorado, to take that den on a camp out in the mountains before they turned 12 and went into a Scout Troop. It was required that each cub have a dad responsible for him present. After getting them bedded down for the night the dads were sitting around the campfire getting acquainted and one informed us that “his group” was determined to end oil and gas production. He went on to state that “his group” would go to any lengths to depopulate the world, including execution. At his turn, he stated that his occupation was a junior high school science teacher.…