How awful was Condoleeza Rice? She was sooo awful...

88 Wow. No one here seems to remember how awful Rice was. She was behind Bush's disastrous move leftwards in his second term. She was a failure as SecState. She was a pali supporter who compared their "plight" to that of blacks during Jim Crow. She made that laughable Road-Kill Map - which Israel only accepted with 14 reservations and the palis totally rejected and violated from the first day - which she pulled out every single time she said anything (usually stupid) about the mid-east. She pushed Israel to allow Hamas in the Gaza elections. She screwed up with Russia - allegedly her forte. She practically endorsed Barky while she was SecState and almost surely voted for the America-hating Retard.

Rice is an idiot. She was a total failure. She would be horrible for Mitt to pick, or even to muse about picking. Rice is a lefty who would be more at home running on the dem ticket. I am amazed that people forget all of these things (and more). She was an absolute disaster as SecState and is not conservative in any way, shape, or form.