It's the Red States who are Communist. Wait. What?


It’s red a America that is the real moocher --Ashoka

Once again, a case of statistics lie, and liars use statistics
1) Seven out of the ten richest counties reside in DC, yet your author elected to omit it. Why ?

Because federal spending per dollar of taxes paid there is almost three times HIGHER than the next highest blue state, New Mexico
No wonder rich liberals want to spend more.
One would expect DC to be somewhat higher by nature of this being where lots of useless bureaucrats park their carcasses, but wow.

2) A state such as California is much more expensive to live in than a state like, say South Dakota.
Therefore taxable incomes will reflect this.

3)In lesser populated states such as Alaska, the costs of wasteful federal boondoggles such as the bridge to nowhere will be highlighted to a greater extent on a chart such as this over say, the billions poured into California’s light rail travesty, or Boston’s big dig money pit.

Then you have your unequal distribution by way of military bases (can’t put them in every state)
So who really isn’t paying their “fair share” ?
How about half the population that has NO federal tax liability whatsoever?

But even more importantly, with a deficit fast approaching twenty trillion dollars, it’s the spending stupid.

We get this same argument over state spending on highways here.
The libs from the cities throw up charts showing the least populated counties get more spending per capita on state roads than does the metro aria as an argument to jack gas taxes for more wasteful utopian light rail projects.

Or how they generously throw taxpayer money to billionaires to build luxurious playpens, (aka generous Obama donor) then feign outrage as those billionaires demand payment from those same taxpayers to get in.