Jackson on Hobbit Film: "I Didn't Know What I Was Doing"

…"I was able to wing it, right up until the point that I had to start shooting this very intricate battle, and I couldn't wing it on that, really," he continued, discussing the decision to postpone the sequence. "We had allowed two months of shooting for that in 2012, and at some point, when we were approaching that, I went to Zane and Carol, our producers, and ultimately talked to the studio and said: ‘Because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing now, because I haven’t got storyboards and prep in this three months that we have now got this battle, why don’t we just finish earlier?' "…

Didn't know what he was doing. Shocked, shocked, I tell you!

I quit watching the first one when Doctor Who with bird dung dribbling down his face was racing along on a sled pulled by giant bunnies. Just like in the book!