Min. Edelstein Asks Apple to Remove Anti-Israel App

Israeli officials were up in arms Tuesday after Apple cleared for release into the iPhone App Store an application that encourages violent uprising against Israel, and advocates violence against "settlers," generally defined by Arab anti-Israel groups as all residents of Israel. Called "The Third Intifada," the Arabic-language app features articles and stories by radical Arab members of Fatah and Hamas, as well as members of the Palestinian Authority. They discuss strategies to use in fighting IDF soldiers, and glorify acts of violence that have already taken place. The app also features photos and images of Arab youths throwing stones and bombs at Israelis, and a collection of "intifada music" popular in the PA. In addition, it has a social media component, designed to allow activists to organize "flash mobs" on the go, gathering quickly at specific times and places to attack Israelis. [Know the enemy: APPLE]