MSNBC - a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party

Once again, the Democrat propaganda network known as MSNBC has been caught editing video to slander Mitt Romney. This morning on Morning Joe, co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough featured a video of a rally with Romney and running mate Paul Ryan in Dayton, OH. The crowd chanted "Romney! Romney!" but MSNBC added a caption to make it seem that the crowd was chanting "Ryan! Ryan!" and rejecting Romney.

The hoax was busted by a caller to the Pat and Stu Show at The Blaze, who had actually been at the rally and who told the hosts that Romney had not been--as MSNBC suggested--reminded the crowd that he was the candidate, but instead reminding them to include Ryan in their chant. "He stopped us to add, 'Romney-Ryan,' and if you watch the clip again, Ryan throws up his hand like, 'Oh, you don't have to add me to the chant.'"

The hosts, initially skeptical, were convinced when they viewed the tape again. The caller's account is confirmed by the raw C-SPAN video of the event, which did not include MSNBC's misleading caption. …

UPDATE III — When asked about the video, “Morning Joe” spokeswoman Lauren Skowronski emailed BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins the following statement:

This story is an attempt to generate a false controversy. The tape clip was untouched and was played as it was recorded. The panel was responding to Romney’s playful response and having fun with it. Joe and the gang apologize for making people laugh in the morning. [How liars 'apologize.']