Nine Months of Winning

Trump, smiling

…-TPP dead.
-Paris Accord abandoned.
-NAFTA hanging by a thread.
-Dangerous Iran nuclear treaty boondoggle in jeopardy.
-Gorsuch, etc.
-Serial USSC victories on so-called "Muslim ban."
-DOW, record of records.
-GDP growth encouraging.
-ISIS capital has fallen.
-Iraqis retake Mosul with coalition support.
-Sane ROE restored.
-UN agreements, including historic unanimous agreement on NK.
-DOJ pedophile sweeps and ICE actions apace.
-Sanctuary jurisdictions under assault.
-Obamacare individual mandate not being enforced, insurance company slush fund in danger, and obamacare on the ropes to the point that dems are working with lying GOPe, who never intended a repeal. Working together.
-Wall prototypes being reviewed, and IIRC, house passed $10B in border security spending.
-EPA sue and settle dead.
-CA governor moonbeam agreeing with Devos on Title IX reforms.
-Harveywood's war on women (and possibly soon, on children) under seige.
-DNC is near bankrupt.
-The Left is turning on each other and eating their own. People on the left openly calling for hillary and pelosi to be put out to pasture.
-NFL on the ropes.
-Fake news' propaganda stranglehold on the American conscience virtually eliminated.
-Masks ripped off enemies of the American people left and right.
-And on and on.

Nine months.

I thnk maybe he missed a few.