Palin Points to Late-Summer Presidential Decision

Sarah Palin 45x45"You know, August and September, you do have to start laying out a plan if you are to be one to throw your hat in the ring, so that's basically the time frame," Palin told Sean Hannity during an appearance Wednesday night on Fox News. ... "I'm not wholly confident that we have that field set yet that that one individual is in the field," Palin said. "So I'm still thinking about being one that would offer myself up in the name of service, knowing confidently that I have those common-sense, fiscally conservative, pro-private sector experience and ideas that can be put to good work for this country." ... "We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat right now either," Palin said. "Now is not the time to retreat. It's the time to reload. And we reload with reality by giving facts and numbers to the American public so that those of us across the U.S. can start chiming in and letting our representatives know that we will not capitulate. We will not hand over more power, which I believe is unconstitutional, to President Obama to further manipulate our economy."