Richard Goldstone Confirms He Was A Useful Idiot

There are few people who have done as much damage to Israel as Richard Goldstone. While the report did not itself cost lives, it will cost lives because it places Israel, and Israel alone, under threat of war crimes charges in the future based upon defensive military actions when facing enemies who deliberately hide among civilians. It is no coincidence that Israel preemptively has released a list of hundreds of Hezbollah weapons depots and bunkers spread among civilian areas in Lebanon. Israel knows that when Hezbollah eventually unleashes its tens of thousands of missiles against Israel, the U.N. and international community will demand that Israel not attack the civilian areas from which the missiles were fired. This is one of the legacies of the Goldstone Report. Allegations of war crimes simply have become a tool in the arsenal of the enemies of Israel, providing both international pressure and military advantage. So how curious it is that Goldstone writes an update to his report in The Washington Post, which while not quite an apologizing, backtracks significantly on his prior Report. The Goldstone op-ed truly is an amazing example of international law gone wrong; how misguided attempts at moral equivalency merely reflect on the absurdity of the anti-Israel campaign around the world.