Home, finally. Nightcap t'hand. Pets accounted for. Pants still on, but belt loosened. Feet up. 400 comments late, but I can finally check out the post....
Fame can be so fleeting.
Fortune can be fickle.
I never sought for fame.
But I would not turn down a nickle.
-Karma Shave
NDH: Drudge by morning!!
Can I haz yr autograff? *|*
Holy cow, I broke into a top ten list. Fortunately, it was not the top ten posters list. Whew.
Insignificant commenter criticizes unheralded blog writer for mocking forgotten humor website that parodies irrelevant Bob Woodward.
" Writer No One Has Heard Of Calls Bob Woodward Irrelevant"
sums it up nicely
"May your hit count shoot through the roof!"
“I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be writ large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do any thing. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more.” —Dorothy Parker
(Good one, eh? No, I didn't have that taped up on my office wall. Found it, after a few seconds of websearch, at ThinkExist.com/Quotations. Teh webz iz so kewl!)
When lost love is found again in the public eye