Blog Heap o'Links
Just random links galore
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Blog Heap o'Links filed under the Blog Heading of

Breitbart is Here

Displaying 541 - 570 of 2627
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Dec 24, 12:23pm

…On this day in 1943 General Dwight D. Eisenhower was named Supreme Allied Commander for the upcoming Invasion of Normandy.…

Vic is here to meet all your Christmas Eve news link needs, tied up with a bow.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Dec 22, 11:37am

…On this day in 1984 Bernhard Goetz shot four would-be muggers on an express train in Manhattan section NYC.…

Vic shoots his news headline links our way
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Dec 22, 11:15am

Europe-wide Manhunt for Muzzy Christmas Market Mass Murderer…
Get Out Your Pitchforks: GOP Set to Delay Obamacare Repeal…
Socialist Paradise: NYC Child Services Responsible for 10 Kids' Deaths In 3 Months…

Only the finest news headline links, cured to perfection, and served with a garnish of cynicism
Vic, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Dec 21, 10:52am

…On this day in 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the world's first full-length animated feature, premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Hollywood.…

Vic's moor news links start here with an important historic note.
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Dec 21, 10:38am

Incompetent and Politically Correct Is No Way To Run a Police Dept., Ja?…
SCOAMF Flooding US with "Refugees" In Final Weeks…
How Will Russia React to the Assassination of Its Ambassador in Ankara?…

JJ is back, with the news that's not fake
Vic, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 20, 12:55pm

…On this day one year ago the big news was the Democrat Debate.…

Vic files his news report with a rasp
Ace of Spades
CBD, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 20, 12:53pm

Obama Heads to Golf Course After Receiving Reports on Berlin Attack and Russian Ambassador Death…
Lena Dunham: "I Haven't Had An Abortion, But I Wish I Had"…
Example #21,987 that Paul Krugman is delusional and a retard…

Delusional, immoral, and narcissistic new headline links by a JJ stand-in
Vic, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Dec 19, 11:30am

…On this day in 1828 Vice President John C. Calhoun penned the South Carolina Exposition and Protest, protesting the Tariff of 1828 known as the Tariff of Abominations. The South was being unfairly taxed to death over its exports of cotton and other farm materials primarily to support the federal government which was building railroads and canals in the North. This paper said that States had the right to nullify federal law. Both Jefferson and Madison had also advocated this position. And so do all of these so-called cities now who deem themselves "sanctuary" cities. Jackson threatened to invade SC. Obama helps the sanctuary cities.

Vic's moor news links
Ace of Spades
CBD, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Dec 19, 10:50am

Death Threats Against Electors? Charming.…
NYT's Sunday Sore Loser Edition…
"He was for the electoral process before he was against it"…

CBD in for JJ with the news links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sun 2016 Dec 18, 10:19am

…On this day in 1972 President Richard Nixon announced that the United States would engage North Vietnam in Operation Linebacker II, a series of Christmas bombings, after peace talks collapsed with North Vietnam on the 13th.…

Vic brings the news links in from the cold, then throws them on the fire
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 4:28pm

German legislators have proposed legislation that would force social media to act promptly to remove spurious news stories. Under the new law, Facebook and other prominent sites would be obliged to remove “fake news” items as soon as they were posted.

In other news, a fire at a migrant center near Paris killed one person and forced the evacuation of 300 people.…

Getting back up to speed, now linking again to Gates of Vienna's news summaries with links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 4:24pm

What If Consumers Just Want to Buy Junk Food?…
Aging Is Reversible…
Vulnerable Democrats Suddenly Open To Replacing Ocare…

Returning again at last to Maggie's Farm's links to news, views, and info.
Bookworm • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 3:41pm

Thanks to my friends, I have an email box filled with links to fascinating, random politics. In keeping with that random spirit, I present to you this randomly organized post…

Bookworm's links and commentary
Bookworm • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 3:35pm
As your blog-heaper gets back up to speed, glad to link once again to Bookworm
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 1:31pm

…On this day in 1903 the Wright brothers made the first controlled powered, heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.…

Vic collects the news and pins it down
Vic, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Dec 16, 11:01am

…On this day in 1902 Teddy Roosevelt sent the "Great White Fleet" to demonstrate the US's "big stick" in naval power. …

Vic posts "moor news" on a day when the main post didn't have any.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Dec 15, 11:27am

…On this day in 1939 Gone with the Wind premiered at Loew's Grand Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. Allowing for inflation, it is still the highest grossing film of all time.…

Vic brings the news headline links but frankly my dear doesn't give a damn.
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Dec 15, 11:17am

…Between calling real news "fake news," intimidation of electors and the big lie about Putin sabotaging the vote, my blood is now simmering. And Harry Reid can go DIAF.…

JJ tackles the news, illegally grabbing the faceguard
Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman, Intellectual Froglegs • Wed 2016 Dec 14, 7:50pm

For this episode… the only theme I could really think of was…. “Whew.”…

Intellectual Froglegs episode from Dec 1.
Vimeo or YouTube
Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman, Intellectual Froglegs • Wed 2016 Dec 14, 7:46pm

I’m tellin’ you— Donald Trump is a patriot. I am more impressed than ever. I have NEVER seen a politician sacrifice so much, take so much flack from ALL directions—-and continue to fight harder today, than he did yesterday.…

This Intellectual Froglegs episode came out on Nov 2, but I would be remiss if I didn't link to it.
Vimeo or PopModal. Blocked on YouTube
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Dec 14, 10:40am

Of Course McConnell and Ryan Agree with Lying CIA About Russia Hack Hoax…
Ex-SEAL Team 6 Leader Zinke Tapped for Dept. of Interior…
PR Firm Tied Directly to Clinton and SCOAMF Behind "Faithless Electors" Drive…

JJ's select news headline links, creatively crafted
Vic, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 13, 11:13am

…On this day in 1937 The city of Nanking, China was taken by the Japanese Army and the "Rape of Nanking" was on as Japanese troops raped and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians in the city. A total of 7 officers were later convicted of war crimes and hanged.…

Vic's news links and comments start with the look back
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 13, 10:54am

Good morning, kids. Not to put too fine a point on it but the Democrats and the institutional Left, aided and abetted by the GOP-wing of their uniparty, are attempting to overthrow the election and the will of the American people.…

JJ gets your day warmed up with news headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Dec 12, 11:45am

…I am going to do something a little different this year, I am going to repeat last year's "On this day" because it has relevance.

On this day in 2000 Al Bore tried to steal the Presidential election by endless recounts in selected counties in FL. And SCOTUS finally stepped in and halted all recounts thus making the FL SOS's call final and Bush won. Oh how the Democrats screamed because their "steal" was halted by the Supreme Court. …

Vic is back with noos links and criticism
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Dec 12, 11:18am

…this report of the GOP delaying the Obamacare repeal vote for three years is insanity. The GOP was, is and always will be Trump's and our greatest enemy. Prayers for the terrorist attack victims in Egypt and Turkey.…

Ten news link headlines sitting in a line
Click on one and then you'll still have nine…
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Dec 9, 12:24pm

GA Sec. of State Claims Jeh Johnson/DHS Tried to Hack State's Voting Systems…
Obama Attempting to Trump-Proof the White House…
Prager U's "Born to Hate Jews" Reinstated on YouTube…

Select news headline links for Morons
Vic, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Dec 7, 11:52am

…There are a lot of myths, rumors, and conjecture about the US readiness at Pearl Harbor. Especially as to the reason the entire fleet, except the aircraft carriers, were tied up in port at cold iron when the word had gone out that the fleet should consider itself at "war warning". However, that warning contained exactly no instructions as to what level of readiness they should set. Of course lower level officers got the blame. …

Vic's "moar noos" links & analysis begin at comment #98
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Dec 7, 10:08am

…Hard to believe that one of the most pivotal moments in our history happened 75 years ago. My wife's dad was on board the U.S.S. Nevada at Pearl Harbor. As he recalled, if you dove off the starboard side, you lived. If you dove off of port, you died. He was presumed dead and eventually turned up the next day, after pulling bodies and parts of bodies out of the water. …

JJ's select morning headline news links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 6, 10:23am

…On this day in 1884 the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., was completed.

Vic's news links and acerbic analysis
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Dec 6, 10:15am

…Another Tuesday and another day Hillary Clinton will never be president. First up, courtesy of Weasel Zippers, and breaking is the FBI reporting a credible threat against an LA Metrorail station.…

JJ's morning news links
