Blog Heap o'Links
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Breitbart is Here

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War News Updates • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 1:38pm

TULUL AL-NASIR, Iraq — Islamic State militants have rounded up thousands of villagers at gunpoint to use as human shields as they retreat toward their stronghold of Mosul, according to Iraqi military officers and people who escaped, the latest brutal war tactic to bring suffering to the civilian population in areas they control.…

Many news headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Oct 26, 2:21pm

Trump has cut off local fund raising events for the last two weeks of the campaign but he continues to do local events himself. Scankles continues to grub money from rich people. I'm sure the never-Trumpers will find some way to bitch and moan about this too.…

Vic has "moar news"
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Oct 26, 2:15pm

Stealing Texas???…
WikiLeak: "She Is Still Not Perfect In the Head," Sez Huma…
Banjo Boy and Ovoid Oaf Agree: Big Hidden Vote For Trump…

Select news headline links
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Oct 24, 12:16pm

Tom Hayden … A Legacy of Treason…
A Rolling Stone Says No Mas…
Even On Skid Row, Where There's Life There's Hope…

Select news headline links
Roger de Hauteville, Maggie's Farm • Mon 2016 Oct 24, 10:28am

New Climate-Friendlier Coolant Has a Catch: It’s Flammable…
Bill Gate eats Big Macs for lunch and schedules every minute of his day…
Young couples are holding 'vasectomy parties' to celebrate the start of a childless family, and ask guests to name their CAR instead…

News headline links, with snark
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Mon 2016 Oct 24, 10:20am

French police are preparing to dismantle the notorious “Jungle” migrant camp near Calais. In anticipation of their eviction, the residents of the shantytown have started rioting and burning things.

In other migration news, the Italian coast guard has rescued 2,400 migrants in a single day. It also pulled fourteen bodies from the ocean.…

News summaries with links
Black Mamba, BlazingCatFur • Mon 2016 Oct 24, 10:00am

French Police: We Can Not Even Protect Ourselves…
UK : Pedophile Migrants Target Little Girls In New Muslim Grooming Scandal…
Facebook Employees Tried To Remove Trump Posts As Hate Speech…

News summaries and links from the weekend
Political Hat
Political Hat • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 8:08pm

The Disgusting Media Sat on Sexual Assault for a Partisan Victory…
New York Times Wants Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death “Without Asking Permission”…
Why You Shouldn’t Use Transgender Pronouns…

A week's worth of summaries of news and views, linked
Bookworm • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 7:45pm

The media is relentlessly attacking Trump because the Left understands that, when Americans see what’s happened to America in the last decade or more, they won’t like what they see. Here are a few examples of the ugly outcomes of America’s culture war, along with one little corner of hope plus, as an added bonus, a thoughtful analysis about American gun crime…

Bookworm • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 7:35pm

…In an effort to keep people who identify themselves as #NeverTrump from turning their focus to Hillary, an action that instantly turns most people into #NeverHillary voters, the despicable media is currently ignoring entirely the substance of Trump’s important speech yesterday. As Roger Simon says, if Americans actually knew the promises Trump made and the policies he intends to pursue, they would vote for him by a huge majority…

Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 1:50pm

China wants to give all of its citizens a score – and their rating could affect every area of their lives…
Illegal Alien Pedophiles: 4,317 Charges Filed Against Illegals in ONE YEAR… in ONE STATE…
Trump closing argument is battle cry against Clinton corruption…

News summaries with links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 1:33pm

A man wearing a “killer clown” mask scared residents of a village in Cambodia by acting in a threatening manner. They eventually banded together and chased the scary clown into the jungle. After he disappeared from view, the villagers heard a loud explosion. When they went to investigate, they discovered that the now-deceased clown had stepped on a land mine.

In other news, Muslims in Rome protested the shutting-down of unauthorized mosques by holding a mass street prayer adjacent to the Coliseum.…

News summaries with links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sun 2016 Oct 23, 10:16am

…On this day in 1929 after a steady decline in stock market prices since a peak in September, the New York Stock Exchange began to show signs of panic. And contrary to the liberal news media and most liberal historians this did not cause the Great Depression. Contrary to the liars that feed the public pabulum the stock market is NOT the economy and is not even a good reflector of how the economy is doing. This was especially true in 1929. What was initially experienced in 1929 was a normal cyclic downturn which was turned into a depression by that communist asshole FDR. It is the same thing that happened when Obama took office. The big difference now is instead of soup lines we have welfare lines.

Quit holding back, Vic. Let us know what you really think!
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sat 2016 Oct 22, 11:05pm

A major DDoS attack brought down a substantial portion of the Internet on the East Coast of the United States today. The attack was directed at Dyn, a cloud-based provider, and affected Twitter, Spotify, and a number of other major websites.

In other news, due to the housing shortage in Germany, an elderly couple in the city of Bonn are now faced with the choice of living in a refugee home with asylum seekers, or becoming homeless.…

News summaries with links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Oct 22, 10:30am

…On this day in 1884 the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in Britain was adopted as the prime meridian of longitude by the International Meridian Conference. It is now a museum.…

Vic's dutiful reportage of the madness that is the news starts here.
Bookworm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 9:06pm

…You know it’s not a coincidence when several mainstream media outlets that every non-conservative Jew reads suddenly announce that Donald Trump’s supporters are crazed antisemites. These are, of course, the same media outlets that have been silent for years about the antisemitism at the heart of the Democrat base.…

News analysis with links
Bookworm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 9:03pm

Caped Crusader sent me these wonderful political posters…

War News Updates • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 9:02pm

Al Jazeera: Iraq: Deaths as explosions, gunfire rock Kirkuk

ISIL claims responsibility for deadly attacks targeting buildings and a power station in and around oil-rich city.…

News headline links
Bookworm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 5:40pm

I’m so grateful to Caped Crusader for sending the following political posters to liven up the blog…

Bruce Kesler, Maggie's Farm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 5:35pm

The Temples of Jerusalem in Islam…
Make America Victorious Again…
WIKILEAKS: Bill Clinton Receives ‘Expensive Gifts,’ Is Personally Paid By Clinton Foundation Sponsors…

Some additional news, views, and info links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 5:31pm

How to exit a party…
Reminder: Washington Hates America…
Hillary Is Not a "Soulless, Pragmatic Corporatist Who Will Preserve the Status Quo," as Pro-Hillary "Conservatives" Claim. She Sees Herself as a Messianic Joan of Arc to Deliver the Left's Revelation to the Earth…

News, views, and info headline links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 5:27pm

Harambe Costumes Are ‘Cultural Appropriation’…
A Baby With 3 Parents Has Been Born. These Are the Dangers You Should Know About…
CLINTON CONFUSION: Bill says ‘I’ve tried to run for her on her behalf’…

News, views, and info headline links
-Blog-Heaper still getting caught up on a few days
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 5:15pm

About forty asylum seekers, most of them Algerians, staged a violent protest at a facility in Spain. After smashing furniture, the discontented refugees climbed to the roof of the building and stayed there for eleven hours.

In other news, a California man who had just been convicted of child sexual assault slit his own throat with a smuggled-in razor blade while sitting at the defense table in the courtroom. His self-inflicted injury is not life-threatening, however, and he is recovering in the hospital.…

News summaries with links
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 11:40am

…Noted at press time: the lead for the day is not an O'Keefe or Wikileak but right out in the open. Of course, it's from a foreign paper so I fully expect a total US media embargo and/or smears about the individual in question.…

**CIA Contractor Claims He Was Muzzled by the Agency to Shield Hillary from Another Potentially Devastating Benghazi-like Incident**…
Chutzpah Meter Alert: 8 Times the Left Claimed Elections Rigged/Stolen…
Security Detail's Reaction to Hillary Breaking Her Elbow: "ROFLMAO!!!"…

Selected news headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Oct 21, 11:34am

…I am checking in this morning to say I just woke up and have no VNN or history or brain this morning.

Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 20, 10:56pm

As the “child” refugees begin pouring into Britain from Calais, questions are being raised in Parliament about how old the allegedly minor migrants actually are. Facial analysis of photos indicates that some of them are much older, possibly as old as 38.

In other news, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department, a government body, has ruled that food vendors must change the name “hot dog” before the product can receive a halal certification.…

News summaries with links
War News Updates • Thu 2016 Oct 20, 10:46pm

Reuters: Mosul offensive going faster than planned, Iraqi PM says

The offensive to seize back Mosul from Islamic State is going faster than planned, Iraq's prime minister said on Thursday, as Iraqi and Kurdish forces launched a new military operation to clear villages on the city's outskirts.…

Headline news links
War News Updates • Thu 2016 Oct 20, 10:45pm

Al Jazeera: Iraqi forces advance towards Mosul amid ISIL resistance

Fighting enters third day as Iraqi forces backed by coalition air strikes push towards last major ISIL stronghold.…

News headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 20, 10:23pm

The French national police force is opening an investigation into an unauthorized demonstration by hundreds of its police officers in Paris. The officers who marched down the Champs Elysées were protesting about being understaffed and under-equipped.

In other news, a Turkish gunman fired indiscriminately into a hair salon in the German town of Dueren, killing one person and seriously wounding several others.…

News summaries with links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Oct 20, 4:44pm

Wow, I haven't posted my links yet…

Vic's supplement to JJ's headlines starts here
