Blog Heap o'Links
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Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 13, 10:59am

A young Jordanian man named Feras M. Freitekh grappled with his flight instructor over the controls of a light plane just before it was to land at an airport in Hartford, Connecticut. The instructor was unable to wrest control away from the student soon enough, and the plane crashed and burned on a street in East Hartford near the Pratt & Whitney jet engine plant. The student was killed in the crash, and the instructor was badly burned, and is recovering in the hospital. No one else was injured. Authorities believe that Mr. Freitekh was deliberately attempting to crash the plane to commit suicide, and say the incident was not connected to terrorism. Americans across the country were greatly relieved to learn that the unfortunate incident had nothing to so with Islam.

In other news, the Syrian man who was arrested on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack committed suicide today in his cell in the German city of Chemnitz.…

News summaries with links
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Oct 13, 10:46am

Russia Advises Bug-out of Nationals Abroad…
Bosnia On the Pacific…
The Coming National Gun Ban…

News headline links, some scrutible, some in-.
Also, some Vic items in the comments.
War News Updates • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:11pm

Air strikes hit eastern Aleppo, including market, kill 25…
IS conflict: Booby-trapped drone kills Kurdish fighters in Iraq…
Hurricane Matthew: Haiti risks 'real famine', says interim president…

News headline links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:08pm

25 new 'Dead Sea Scrolls' revealed…
Wind Turbines Kill Eagles From Far Away…
Trump Triggers The Great GOP Crackup…

News, views, and info headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:06pm

In the wake of Sunday’s second debate, the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is being opposed by numerous establishment Republicans, the most prominent among them being House Speaker Paul Ryan. Mr. Trump responded to the latest Republican opposition by saying that the shackles had been taken off him, and he can now campaign the way he likes.

In other news, a new British report says that the Islamic State is recruiting criminals both inside and outside of European prisons, creating a dangerous “gangster jihad”.…

News summaries with links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:05pm

Bill McKibben is off the rails: ‘Use America’s defense budget to fight climate war…
O'Reilly: At Least 3 Media Orgs Have 'Ordered Employees to Destroy Trump'…
Z-man: Watching one traitorous fink after another decry Trump’s locker room talk from a decade ago, I was reminded once again that these people were never on my side.…

News, views, and info headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:03pm

The “creepy clown” craze has spread to the UK. There have been a number of sightings of clowns in Newcastle, for instance. They typically jump out of the shrubbery and chase pedestrians. Some of them reportedly carry knives.

In other news, EU finance ministers have finally agreed on another rescue package for Greece, this one worth €1.1 billion.…

News summaries with links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:02pm

Why lightning doesn't harm aircraft…
Farage on Europe: The little people have had enough - not just here, but in America too…
Trump Is Not Part Of The Right’s Tribe…

News, views, and info headline links
Bookworm • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 10:00pm

I have a hefty batch of links related to the election and the culture wars raging in America. I’ll try to write just enough to pique your interest so that you follow those links or watch the videos…

Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 9:59pm

The news feed is extremely light tonight. It may be that most of our tipsters were busy watching the Trump-Clinton presidential debate, leaving them no time to find any news items. Readers who want an account of the epochal confrontation between Big Hair and Big Ankles should see The Daily Mail — it has all the lurid details, plus lots of photos.

In other news, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says he will not share the names on the government’s list of terror suspects with any of the country’s mayors — some of whom may soon be receiving batches of immigrants redistributed from the “Jungle” camp near Calais.…

News summaries with links
Political Hat
Political Hat • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 9:57pm

You Know Bill Clinton Has A Shell Company That Was Never Disclosed, Right? …
Dozens of Afghan troops missing from military training in U.S.…
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe…

Many brief news summaries with links
--Slowly catching up on days of blog-heaping
Bookworm • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 9:54pm

This has been a good weekend for political commentary, meaning that those who create posters have been very busy. These are all good although some (most notably those regarding Hillary’s “feminist” supporters, are amazingly vulgar)…

Nightmouse, Blazing Cat Fur • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 4:34pm

“I Respect The Second Amendment, But…” Clinton’s Views On Gun Control Are Most Radical Ever…
Students Flood College Mental-Health Centers…
Black Lives Matter Calls For End To ‘Nuclear Family,’ Says Kids Belong To Community…

News summaries with links.
Getting caught up on some blog-heaping
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Oct 12, 1:18pm

A Party of One…
Munster Go Home…
Thin Skinned Fraud Heckled at Clinton Rally…

J.J. is better today at writing obscure news headline links.
Also, Vic slips in some news items beginning at comment #23.
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Oct 11, 8:49am

"CNN Sucks!" x 10,000…
Hilary Admits Saudis, Qatar Funding ISIS…
Emetic of the Day: Pelosi Admits Single-Payer Was Always the Goal…

All the news headline links JJ sees fit to print
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Oct 10, 10:14am

500 Trillion Flies Can't Be Wrong…
Hilary Has a Dream … of Open Borders…
New Flavor Suggestion: Hammer & Popsicle…

Brief list of news headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sun 2016 Oct 9, 12:31pm

The IMF official responsible for European affairs says that his fund will probably not help Greece out yet another time. Other European financial institutions are currently meeting to try to arrange an emergency fund that Greece can tap into in order to weather its latest fiscal crisis.

In other news, two suicide bombers blew themselves up near Ankara when they were approached by policemen.…

News summaries with links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sat 2016 Oct 8, 11:53am

The Swedish government is threatening to sue Hungary if it doesn’t take back some of the migrants who passed through its territory. The Swedish foreign minister says that before it passes them on to other countries, Hungary is duty-bound to process the asylum applications of migrants who entered there.

In other migration news, fifteen illegal immigrants were found in a freezer lorry on a British motorway. The temperature in the cargo compartment of the lorry was set at -25°C (-13°F), so the suspected migrants are now being treated at a medical facility.…

News summaries with links
Wombat-socho, The Other McCain • Sat 2016 Oct 8, 11:43am

No linkagery yesterday since Feedly was down…
EBL: Scott Adams Shadowbanned On Twitter For Supporting Trump…
Megan McArdle: How To End The Death Penalty For Good…

News and views headline links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Sat 2016 Oct 8, 11:40am

Amazon Pulls “Sexy Burka” Halloween Costume After It’s Declared “Racist”…
California Marijuana Growers Lining Up Against Proposition Legalizing Pot…
Krauthammer: ‘Everybody Knows’ Hillary Has a Private and Public Position On Everything, and That Trump Is Crude…

What is the "race" that wears burkas?
Profiting pot growers oppose competition
Will the real Hillary please stand up - oh, sorry (as Joe Biden might say)
—News, views, and info headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Oct 8, 10:17am

…Welcome to the first weekend only edition of VNN. On this day in 1918 in the Argonne Forest in France, United States Corporal Alvin C. York killed 28 German soldiers and captured 132, for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.…

Vic has cancelled the weekday reports. These weekend (or is it "weakened"?) reports will just make you realize what you're missing M-F.
Bookworm • Fri 2016 Oct 7, 8:26pm

…The steady drumbeat of hate directed at Trump is unprecedented in American history, as is the decision to abandon any pretense of reporting honestly about Hillary.…

News analysis with links
War News Updates • Fri 2016 Oct 7, 8:15pm

Sunni force pleads for Iraqi government help as Mosul fight looms…
Satellite images show activity at North Korea nuclear test site…
Russia starts work on Arctic dock for 1st-ever floating nuclear power plant…

News headline links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Fri 2016 Oct 7, 12:57pm

Children inherit their intelligence from their mother…
Turning the USA Totalitarian for the 'Better Good'…
A Look Inside the Latest Gaza Women’s Flotilla - The activists on board are no peaceful bunch…

News, views, and info headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Fri 2016 Oct 7, 12:22pm

Several hundred migrants who have been stuck in Serbia set out from Belgrade for the Hungarian border. Possibly heeding provocateurs who advised them that they could now enter Hungary, they carried banners and shouted slogans calling for open borders.

In other news, the Catalan parliament voted to hold an independence referendum next September.…

News summaries with links
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Oct 7, 9:42am

NBC's Ron Allen: "Paris Climate Deal Will Prevent Future Hurricanes"…
Chicago Cop Hesitates Shooting … And Is Nearly Beaten to Death by Suspect…
SCOAMF Frees Another 102 Drug Traffickers From Prison…

Selected headline news links
Bookworm • Thu 2016 Oct 6, 10:42pm

Here’s the illustrated edition I promised, with more to come today or tomorrow

War News Updates • Thu 2016 Oct 6, 7:37pm

Syria aflame on several fronts…
U.N. says situation 'rapidly deteriorating' in embattled Afghan city…
Mexico gang 'used women to lure kidnap victims over the internet'…

News headline links
Bird Dog, Maggie's Farm • Thu 2016 Oct 6, 12:48pm

Here’s how likely you are to crash into a deer based on where you live…
Elites Want a Borderless World, but Voters Don’t…
Kaine’s bad performance matters more than you think…

News, views, and info headline links
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Oct 6, 12:04pm

"The Daily Soap Opera"-Literally…
MFM Eats Itself Part 1 … Part 2…
OOO (Oval Office Occupant) Still Pissed We're Not Falling For the Climate Scam…

Headline news links, more or less
