
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Weirddave: ...If someone claims that your normal behavior or beliefs offends them, the correct response is "Too bad". ...

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Jul 18
Subjects: growth, trauma
Pride (C.C. Beck's Captain Marvel)
Best of Spirits

There's nothing wrong with being corrected to what's right.

Text added on 2011 Jun 16
Subjects: pride, self, Ego, growth, learning, perfection, progress
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Hwy sign: Here & Now
Best of Spirits

To be or to become... What was the question?

Verse, Audio, MP3 added on 2001 Oct 26
Subjects: Spirit, growth, meditation, service, balance, satisfaction
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Best of Spirits

Must have infinite patience to put up with the mortal creatures of finity.

Verse added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: Jesus, Supreme Being, patience, mercy, tolerance, humanity, growth, faith, Spirit
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Best of Spirits

A little might be healthy for the body, but what about the mind?

Verse added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: experience, growth, faith, love, Spirit, food, drugs
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