Murphy's Law
Some comic relief. Five new original songs, somewhere between the weird and the humorous.
Subjects: gun rights, food, alcohol, relationships, Murphy's Law, chance, fail, phones, family, parenting, silliness, humor, music video
(And of course, as usual, after posting that comment, I find your email address. Some variant of Murphy's Law there or something.)
1bulwetweft: How much worse can it get?
Like "is that all you got?" this is not a question you want answered.
Morning, Glories!
"less unlikely"
No matter how many times I re-read that, editing, I still missed it! Murphy, you evil Law!
"Buildings collapsing and debris and chaos and fire all around me. It was the single most terrifying day of my life. Needless to say, I will never ever go back to SF."
Tell all the people
On the Facebook
And the Twitter
My life sucks
And my future's
In the shitter
I almost* feel I should apologize to the nearly dozen morons who, records show, clicked through to my latest webwork from my nic here this morning.
...walked up to it and punched the outer rim. After a few blows it works fine again. Would it be ethicaally fine to put it on craigslist real quick?
Ditching last sock lest it recur unintentionally.
Hopelessness is...
having one's desktop IP banned on AoS.
It goes wronger every day!
End of the Road #10 of 37