So some lefties say Repubs love Israel more than they love America. Somebody here references this with "we're all Jews now." Commenters reply, eg, won't give up bacon.
Oh my goodness! I forgot to tell her to take the potato out afterward. Well, I'm sure she'll figure that out.
gah. 2nd link should've been there
Great mashup of Sir Golfsalot with manly headgear -
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River Introduction
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the regular version. Here is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the regular version. Here is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the Print a Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online comic.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the regular verion. Here is a BIG GRAPHICS version.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the large-graphic version. Here is the regular version.