An experiment in reviving the heap o'links. Just random links, mostly political,
Subjects: Election 2020, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, golf, urban, bats, Heap o' Links
Some Ted Talks are ideas more worth spreading than others.
Jane D'oh, from the descriptions, sounds like Son is not suffering from flashbacks, perzackly - more like flash-presents. Still in a war zone.
BB Wolf: Hell.... New York... couldn't even be original enough to come up with different names for City and State...
"Population density and freedom seem to be inversely proportional." -Jean
Hence, Agenda 21's goals of a population exclusively dense. (Yes, both meanings.)
When we lived in Chicago, our life was so arranged that I didn't usually have to fight the masses, at the worst times anyway.
Subjects: Chicago, urban, rural, Oklahoma, Faithful (cat), bald eagle, deer, woodpecker
I've heard the rats can be seen sunning themselves in the park on a nice day. Fraking New York.
...are people really going to Detroit to "tour the ruins"?
http://tinyurl.com/obb26zc... -Vic
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River Introduction
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the regular version. Here is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the regular version. Here is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the Print a Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online comic.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
You don't talk to your neighbors in the city.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the regular verion. Here is a BIG GRAPHICS version.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the large-graphic version. Here is the regular version.