I googled “circle jerk.” Now I need a shower. Yuck!
Ah, time for me to lead the midnight-Eastern slowdown. Must relocate myself, deal with the end of the day, and probably hit the sack rather than lurk on.
How t f did autoincorrect pass "Dogpulem"??
DuckDuckGo = Ixquick, IIRC. Minimal data-gathering, they claim.
Another alternative is search accumulator Dogpulem
I know Canonical (the guys behind Ubuntu Linux) are working on...
FutureWare! It's my favorite brand.
Using Opera 12.x on the desktop and Opera Mini on the cell. Haven't used anything else since a brief search after Netscape became unusable. I do have Chrome and IE loaded on the desktop.
Yeah... but how do you write "Revelation 21:8" so that it's noticed, but still looks tasteful?
Posted by: AllenG
102 ...Whatever you do, DON'T look it up on google images.
Surely you meant to make that a link! Shirley!
Seek and you will find, but what will you find?
Kids find so many ways to ask why. Well, why not?