Sharks, man! I saw sharks in the pool!
Don't go in.
Or do, I guess. I ain' yo' mama.
Selfies more deadly than sharks
Great illustration at BlazingCatFur
Not sure of the validity of this, but an interesting take on cascading effects, from Sundance at Conservative Treehouse.
Croc v Shark - get the feeling this contest is old, old, old.
Didn't DC do this? Vicious Batman villain Killer Croc vs that goofy shark-headed Aquaman villain looked just like this.
Hank Green SciShow video
Is SHARKNADO Possible?
Spoiler: No
Subjects: aging, Al Gore, asteroid, astronauts, bacon, climate, cosmology, dark matter, dolphins, human migration, John Steinbeck, Mexico, mosquitoes, numbers, robot, science, shark
47 Pew survey of sharks:
88% will circle in a frenzy when there is chum/blood in the water.
Chipmunks? Only 9%
At first, it's just foam and seagulls. Then, around 0:30, you can really start to see them swarming around.