
Webworks employing the medium of


Displaying 541 - 549 of 549
Head Shop
Head Shop

LEGAL AND SAFE! But your mother might not approve. Comics, songs, nonsense.

Short & Tall Tales

Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the regular verion. Here is a BIG GRAPHICS version.

Cartoon added on 1997 Feb 15
Subjects: Chicago, city, potato, urban, civilization
Comments open
Short & Tall Tales

Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the large-graphic version. Here is the regular version.

Cartoon added on 1997 Feb 15
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, future
Short & Tall Tales
Chicago is the Big Potato.
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online comic.
Cartoon, Mini-Comic added on 1997 Feb 15
Subjects: Chicago, city, potato, urban, civilization, humor
The Art of Doodles

Daily Doodles pages having been restored, this page is demoted as redundant. Here's the first of the 1997 Daily Doodles.

Cartoon added on 1997 Feb 2
Subjects: The Art of
The Art of

Universal encouragment of confident pictographic self-expression

Cartoon added on 1996 May 15
Subjects: comics, creativity, confidence, humor
Comments open
Dad tries another lesson on sharing and giving with the toddlers.
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online version.
Cartoon, Mini-Comic added on 1996 Mar 24
Subjects: children, babies, parenting, family, father, humor

Dad tries another lesson on sharing and giving with the toddlers.

Tip o' the ol' noggin
Best of Spirits

A thoughtful meditation on that organ you use so inefficiently.

Cartoon added on 1996 Mar 17
Subjects: mind, Spirit, soul, self, humor
Comments open
