Our 15 years in Chicago was the days of our early family creation, so we didn't get out as much as we thought we would when we first moved there, but we did get to enjoy some of its amenities.
BTW, For those who didn't get enough YouTubes in last night's music fest, today, Pistol Pete at Polination linked to several blues classics.
Insomniac: Has there ever been an actual, verified recorded instance of this [razor blades/needles in Halloween apples/candy] actually happening?
*mumbling* Mrning, Glrys. *chugs coffee*
It's not whether they rip off old blues players.
It's how they do it.
Steve Goodman
I hear my doggeh calling
I hear my kitteh cry
Time to go and sing my critters
Sweet lullabye
I said I hear my doggeh calling
Oh Lord I hear my kittehs cryin
How about a cuppa, sugar, for a starving artist?