Is this the Ace Home for Tough Camaraderie Therapy about which I've heard such wonderful things?
The floors are stickier than I imagined.
* pulls up chair *
New recording, old recordings, whatever I can find to pad this out
Subjects: mind, perception, decisions, readiness, faith, Spirit, despair, lamentation, fear, hope, United States of America, talent, expression, songwriting, creativity, musician, The Art of
Nice one, Sr Maetenloch. Art aside, appreciate the planecrash tale, especially.
((mindful webworker))
Since I'm not one who likes to fight just for expressing my opinion, I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't be hanging out here any more?
And that's a really sad thought.
Posted by: mindful webworker - still proudly American at July 06, 2015 08:56 AM (+/zXg)
116 - MWW. hope you just need more coffee and stay.
I like the horde when it soars with patriotism, not so much submerged in hopelessness and despair.
Went back to read Vic's news, and went on to read reactions to Klaven, posted late on the ONT.
I'm thankful today that I have no children.
Some people shouldn't reproduce.
Negative attitude is powerful juju. Let it burn. Constitution is meaningless. We have no party. Beware. Regressives thrive on negative attitude; it's their bread and butter.
"How many shopping days 'til a new president?"
And why are the shelves as bare of choices as a bakery under an old Soviet 5-year plan?
Egad! No such comparison intended! Maybe you didn't get what I got from that MASH episode.
Hopelessness? Yawn. Lived there for years. Let me know when you get to Despair. That's when it really gets interesting.
A chance meeting of two perspectives on life's highway.