The Vote? Get Out! Three never-before-recorded old Radical Incline political-ish songs wrapped in political commentary and cartoonery.
Subjects: lifestyle, greed, materialism, family, tradition, war, peace, military conscription, world unity, United States of America, Election 2016, music video
Four new recordings of original songs, of lost love, hard times, faith, insecurity, and spiritual regeneration. Plus a touch of humor.
No matter what you do, no matter where I am, I get that feeling
OregonMuse: I resolve to hang out on AoSHQ all day long while drinking beer, and never change my underwear.
So, no lifestyle changes for you, eh?
>> I'm thinking this is as AoSHQ Lifestyle as it gets.
Posted by: HR
"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip."
-Will Rogers
Go quietly, then... and carry a big, quiet stick.
Anderson Cooper: "...she described one guy she was currently dating––my mom was 85 at the time––as the Nijinsky of cunnilingus.
"I can foresee a future in which masturbation in public is accepted as just another life style choice."
You don't really have to be white to bear the burden