world unity
The Vote? Get Out! Three never-before-recorded old Radical Incline political-ish songs wrapped in political commentary and cartoonery.
Subjects: lifestyle, greed, materialism, family, tradition, war, peace, military conscription, world unity, United States of America, Election 2016, music video
Loyalty to the family became loyalty to the tribe. Tribes became extended to alliances of tribes. In time, loyalty extended beyond blood to the city-state. City-states became States.
Further proof we've become a banana republic/third world nation. We need a 'troop surge' to patrol our cities. : Schrödinger's cat
One useless, failed lefty organization awarding a prize to another failed lefty organization, as some wag on Ace (I think) commented.
Subjects: world unity, European politics, United States of America
I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect har-mo-neeee...
Every time we say never again
War-protest folksong from 1980. So much has changed since then!
Regarding the 2001-Sep-11 hijackings and attacks on New York City, the Pentagon, and wherever Flight 93 was heading.
Subjects: war, terrorism, attack, 2001-9-11, peace, justice, mercy, forgiveness, love, brotherhood, world unity, religion, faith