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Reading the Glick article Vic linked, I hit this speed bump and came back to headline-comment:
"In back-to-back articles in Newsweek...."
ok. yay. Morning crowd will prob appreciate the political pic better than the pantsless inebriants of the ONT anyways. The only boob in the pic is TFG.
Tried twice to post on the ONT. Hope the prob was my connection, and that my cell hasn't joined my desktop on the $#!+list.
Communist Collaborators Caught Red-Handed
Illustration, Remix added on 2013 Jan 18
Subjects: Barack Obama, SCoaMF, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Newsweek, politics, traitor, justice, parody
Subjects: Barack Obama, SCoaMF, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Newsweek, politics, traitor, justice, parody
Comments open
Sources: collegehumor, AnnaAkana, osaruzx, Numberphile, Vsauce, SciShow, collinpartrick, BigThink, samvaknin, Futuremindtraining, TruthNeverTold
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 10
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, body language, cats, confidence, Dave Brubeck, education, monkeys, monkeys at typewriters, Narcissism, Newsweek, numbers
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, body language, cats, confidence, Dave Brubeck, education, monkeys, monkeys at typewriters, Narcissism, Newsweek, numbers
Comments open