
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of


Displaying 181 - 194 of 194

As someone on Ace said, sorry AARP: You own Obamacare.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 5
Subjects: Obamacare, AARP

God bring you peace, Truman.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Sep 29
Subjects: aging, death, time marches on
He seems to be in no hurry.
Illustration added on 2012 Aug 15
Subjects: portrait, aging, cup, face, fuzzy

"I feel very conflicted when I encounter a gluten-intolerant person." Heh.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Apr 26
Subjects: baking, gluten, health

Heh. Most unexpectedly, back for a moment.

Hey, Webworker..... is the little sick girl you mentioned before your own girl?? How is she? How is teh kitteh?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Apr 16
Subjects: cancer, cats, Foggy (dog)

I want to express my appreciation for those who, while believing homeopathy to be worthless, would still permit me and my family to continue purchasing homeopathic remedies and using them. [Full, lengthy article at link.]

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Sep 4
Subjects: homeopathy, health, Big Nanny, liberty, libertarianism

A link to my own mindful "medical marijuana" webwork

Upper cervical maladjustment is, I've learned, quite common but rarely diagnosed and treated properly. There may be other causes for migraines, but if anyone is suffering from migraines, I'd tell them, the best first place to start looking for help would be getting checked out by a genuine, certified NUCCA practitioner.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 20
Subjects: health, healing, migraines, NUCCA, upper cervical adjustment, chiropracty
Kitten hanging on to rope
Radical Incline

Beating the drums for a different kind of war

Verse added on 2007 May 17
Subjects: war, peace, poverty, disease, health, healing
Comments open
Following the news
Random Acts of Humor
Following and following and following the news.
Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: news, fear, worry, anxiety, aging, relaxation, reassurance, faith
Comments open
Handing a child a glass of water.
Short & Tall Tales

Safe enough for children and pets. Washes your clothes. Wets your whistle. Have some today.

Verse added on 1997 Nov 1
Subjects: water, health, food, H2O, humor
Comments open
Head Shop

Your government wants you to suffer, but freely.

Comments open
Following the News
Following and following and following the news.
Cartoon added on 1997 Jun 29
Subjects: news, fear, worry, anxiety, aging, relaxation, reassurance, faith
Best of Spirits

All her friends have died off long ago.

Verse added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: aging, relationships, Jefferson Airplane
Comments open
