
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of


Displaying 1 - 29 of 29

Pete: "If you don’t really want to quit there’s no pill, patch, or gum that will make you do it. When you really want to, you will."

That's what I've always heard.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 Aug 31
Subjects: smoking, tax, morality

Third hand smoke is the deposition on horizontal surfaces and walls etc.
Posted by: Vic

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 4
Subjects: habituation, smoking, tobacco

"Butt-flicking" ban could end up costing Illinois taxpayers. 3rd offense, class 4 felony.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jan 2
Subjects: Big Nanny, language, smoking
Little Green Smoking Guy
He might be related to E.T. Or maybe Yoda.
Smilin' smoker
Head Shop

A smoldering story of careless passion.

Animation added on 2013 Mar 11
Subjects: smoking, fire, jackass, stoned, humor
Comments open

Vic, Mom smoked from 17 til ~70. Her 2nd husband, non-smoker, lived with lung cancer for years, but she puffed through it all fine.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Feb 17
Subjects: smoking, willpower
A Pipe I Used to Own
Serious Sketches and Portraits
I think this girl gave it to me.
Illustration added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: pipe (smoking), smoking
Head Shop

Dangers of going out to run errands stoned.

Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 9
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, stoned, errands, absurdity, silliness
Head Shop

Another mysterious property of grass

Head Shop

Another mysterious property of grass.

A Pipe I Used to Own
I think this girl gave it to me.
Illustration added on 1997 Oct 12
Subjects: pipe (smoking), smoking
Turn here!
Head Shop

…if someone is stoned or not.

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 17
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, stoned, paranoia, silliness
Head Shop

Your government wants you to suffer, but freely.

Comments open
Head Shop #6

A prime medical marijuana justification.

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 10
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, menstruation, sexes, absurdity, farce, silliness
Head Shop #6

Contemplating getting high logically.

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 10
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, absurdity, farce, silliness
Head Shop #6

Jah be with you.

Head Shop #6

It's supposed to, you-know, make you, like, stupid, or whatever.

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 10
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, generations, culture, absurdity, farce, silliness
2 girls, 1 ashtray
Head Shop #6

There are rules to smoking?

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 10
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, absurdity, farce, silliness
Head Shop #6

Innoculated with misconception.

Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 10
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, absurdity, farce, silliness
Head Shop #6

Head Shop Comix #6: Legalize It!

Cartoon added on 1997 Aug 18
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, legalization, prohibition, law
Googly eyes
Head Shop #5

Good thing it wasn't chain saws

Cartoon, Animation added on 1997 Aug 11
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, absurdity, farce, silliness
Business, man
Head Shop #5

Preparing for a long session in the office.

Cartoon added on 1997 Aug 11
Subjects: alcohol, smoking, hashish, marijuana, work
Head Shop #5

Profound answers to simple questions.

Cartoon added on 1997 Aug 11
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, advice, Heed, shoelaces
Hey, Man!
Head Shop #4

Sharing a smoke.

Cartoon added on 1997 Jul 11
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, absurdity, farce
Head Shop #3

Smoking less.

Cartoon added on 1997 Jun 11
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, habit
Head Shop #2

Do I walk that straight line or snort it?

Head Shop #2

Don't you know what that stuff can do?

Cartoon added on 1997 May 7
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, morality
Head Shop #2

Strike nowhere type.

Cartoon added on 1997 May 7
Subjects: smoking, matches, lighter, frustration
Head Shop #1

Don't you know what that stuff can do?

Cartoon added on 1997 Mar 20
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, morality