Pete: "If you don’t really want to quit there’s no pill, patch, or gum that will make you do it. When you really want to, you will."
That's what I've always heard.
Third hand smoke is the deposition on horizontal surfaces and walls etc.
Posted by: Vic
"Butt-flicking" ban could end up costing Illinois taxpayers. 3rd offense, class 4 felony.
Subjects: smoking, extraterrestrial, abstract, painting, pareidolia, Rabbit Head Valley
A smoldering story of careless passion.
Vic, Mom smoked from 17 til ~70. Her 2nd husband, non-smoker, lived with lung cancer for years, but she puffed through it all fine.
Dangers of going out to run errands stoned.
Another mysterious property of grass
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, habituation, economics, scheduling, industries
Another mysterious property of grass.
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, habituation, economics, subjective value, budget battles
…if someone is stoned or not.
Your government wants you to suffer, but freely.
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, allergies, medical marijuana, prohibition, law, legalization, choice, rights, freedom, liberty
A prime medical marijuana justification.
Contemplating getting high logically.
Jah be with you.
Subjects: marijuana, smoking, prohibition, law, legalization, Jamaica, Rasta, reggae, spliff
It's supposed to, you-know, make you, like, stupid, or whatever.
There are rules to smoking?
Innoculated with misconception.
Head Shop Comix #6: Legalize It!
Good thing it wasn't chain saws
Preparing for a long session in the office.
Profound answers to simple questions.
Sharing a smoke.
Do I walk that straight line or snort it?
Don't you know what that stuff can do?
Strike nowhere type.
Don't you know what that stuff can do?