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Mindful Webworkshop Episode #6
The Art of

Six songs of betrayal, lost love, sogginess, and silliness, for your entertainment and enlightenment.

Comments open

Heh. Ever seen the vids of petitions to ban that dangerous chemical? Folks would sign to remove oxygen from the atmosphere, if you did it right!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Aug 27
Subjects: water, humor, health, food, H2O

chemjeff: The formal name would be "hydrogen oxide" but "water" is just as acceptable.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Dec 23
Subjects: chemistry, H2O

Say, apropos of nothing, what would be the six-dollar chem name for H2O? Dihydrogen monoxide? Dihydrous?

I took geology not chemistry, alas...

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Dec 23
Subjects: chemistry, H2O

Fears of Dihydrogen Monoxide are overblown. Under controlled conditions, in reasonable quantities, it can actually be beneficial.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Apr 5
Subjects: H2O

First H2O, now CO2!
Water and air aren't good for you!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Mar 15
Subjects: water, H2O, CO2, carbon dioxide, humor, whale
Handing a child a glass of water.
Short & Tall Tales

Safe enough for children and pets. Washes your clothes. Wets your whistle. Have some today.

Verse added on 1997 Nov 1
Subjects: water, health, food, H2O, humor
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