chemjeff: The formal name would be "hydrogen oxide" but "water" is just as acceptable.
Say, apropos of nothing, what would be the six-dollar chem name for H2O? Dihydrogen monoxide? Dihydrous?
I took geology not chemistry, alas...
The stupidest man in the room should be a pool boy maintenance man. Might teach him sumpin'.
"...and Lewis carried a whole barrel of mercury...."
Why? As "shiny trading beads"?
Not only is that guy a SuperPerv, but seventy-fucking-two years old? What's up with that?
— model_1066
Subjects: alien, asteroid, cancer, chemistry, climate, cosmology, dark humor, dogs, earth, hallucinogens, mind, nostalgia, numbers, ocean, snakes, wooly mammoths
chem sets? yeah!
My brother and I especially enjoyed sprinkling powdered uh what was it graphite? lead? iron! iron shavings sprinkled on the alcohol lamp. Sparkley!
This is a very, very stupid idea. -MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit
Excellent response, scary but true list of repercussions.
Subjects: 3D printing, cave, chemistry, Iron Man, numbers, plants, space exploration
Subjects: alcohol, chemistry, cosmology, earth, history, Life, parallel universes, science
Subjects: cats, cells, chemistry, cosmology, dark matter, education, energy, mind, numbers, parallel universes, puzzle, robot, science, sleep, space exploration
Subjects: alien, carbon dioxide, chemistry, cosmic rays, cosmology, earth, gorilla, Mars, NASA, numbers, perception, science, Tom Lehrer, universe