What a great picture! Thanks.
I was reading the news elsewhere, and I thought, I need a dose of BoB. It worked.
Nice happiness pic.
So I get home, look back at my comment at #650 and find... much of it is missing. Lucky for y'all. Not that it matters.
You thought you were leading? Just try to keep up!
The kid in the picture on the feel-good story looks genuinely happy.
Captain Whitebread: ...Fine. Back to being alone.
And let's leave the "someone for everyone" line alone. It's bull.
kbdabear: I wonder if it would work if the blog went into "Weekend Mode" during the week for a while....
Been reading the comments off-and-on while doing other things. Up to #350 so far. Gonna stick with it, even if the horde and posts have moved on, 'til I get to the bottom.
Thanks to LizLem at February 29, 2016 06:01 PM for the Robt Downey story. Happiness went both ways, it seems, for what he did for the grandmother, and what the granddaughter did for him.
Oy! Really?
Is this supposed to be ironic, being on a Monday? Isn't this "weekend" material?
CrotchetyOldJarhead: Whats the plan for the day?
NaCly Dog: smile and be happy and strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.
Oh, back to Maet and the quotes thing. Words words words
Well, we had a good run.
Welcome back. I'm in with Sonny Bunch quote!
The past two weeks, I waited until after 100 comments to add my silly 2¢ "bathroom reader" review. If the pace doesn't pick up, this thread may never get there.
Nice sayings Mindful. I am smiling. :^) See?
Sorry, just found this reply...
Subjects: Doctor Who, happiness, news, Pete Seeger, Star Trek
No, instead of watching the WKRP, we watched the Jack Lalanne video. Thanks for that, Maet!
Subjects: flash mobs, good, happiness, science, thankfulness, Thanksgiving
Glad y'all are here. Glad CarolT's home. Gladness is okay. Glad for wakefulness. Glad for sleep. zzzzz
Defy gravity!
Two monks, joyously dancing. More details in main article…