The unmistakable laughter, the wicked joy, it all fits!
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Newly-recorded: three songs, one instrumental, plus a cartoon, and black & orange Hallowe'en cats!
We can give each other…
The legacy of Nixon goes to China: Saber-rattling in South-East Asia.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill. Folks might seem one way in one situation, quite different in another.
Yeah! That's the ticket! Three posters for the Uni-Party team, and four variations on the Soviet-style iconic Hillary poster.
Would the Washington Palefaces also be disparaging? Some suggestions for changes now that the Washington Redskins have lost their trademark.
20th Century's main cause of death & continuing. Some folks still don't get it.
Divided highway ahead. Choose direction now.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the regular verion. Here is a BIG GRAPHICS version.
One of the first rules about the world of hypertext: YOU DON'T CHANGE THE LINKS!
Two Slimeball Presidents Compared, Points for Style, all morality aside.
"We're not quartering. We're fortifying. Besides, we are at war. A war on crime!"